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<br />Commission Minutes--February 18, 2003 2563 <br /> <br />Mr. Stroh explained the preliminary steps to be taken prior to demolition, as outlined to the <br />,,- board in a memorandum from County Coordinator Bonnie Johnson dated February 5, 2003, <br />including photographing/sketching the buildings, preparations for an inmate holding area on <br />the second floor of the courthouse, the sheriff to remove all property from the buildings and <br />update the county inventory records accordingly, and maintenance staff to remove any <br />unusable items for salvage/storage, including the shop area. Mr. Stroh said it will take 3-4 <br />weeks to complete the preliminary work, and he estimated the demolition will take 5-6 <br />weeks. Salvaging some of the exterior stone and decorative items that have been specified <br />will also take some time, he said. <br /> <br />At the January 22nd commission meeting with representatives of the State Historical Society, <br />Michael Montplaisir, County Auditor, provided information concerning the cost of demolition, <br />associated electrical and mechanical work, abatement of asbestos/hazardous materials, <br />backfill of basement areas, replacement of the generator, construction of a temporary shop <br />for the maintenance department and county equipment, and other incidental items. His <br />estimate of the total cost of these items is $500,549.00, including the demolition base bid. <br /> <br />",.- <br /> <br />The chairman next invited comments from the audience. John Strand, Fargo, said he begs <br />to differ with Mr. Hoy's legal opinion that the commission can vote to demolish both <br />buildings. He believes the board does not have permission from the State Historical Society <br />to demolish the sheriff's residence. He read excerpts from an Attorney General's opinion <br />relating to saving the McLean County Courthouse from destruction and also referenced <br />Section 55-02-07 of the North Dakota Century Code relating to permission from the state <br />historical board to destroy buildings deemed to be historically significant. Mr. Hoy <br />responded that the Attorney General's opinion, which Mr. Strand referred to, is binding upon <br />McLean County, since it was issued to that entity, and is not necessarily binding on Cass <br />County. He stands by his opinion earlier today that the county could proceed with awarding <br />bids for demolition of the old jail and sheriff's residence. <br /> <br />,,- <br /> <br />Mr. Meyer said he believes all avenues have been explored for determining the best use of <br />county property and resources in constructing a new addition where the jail and sheriff's <br />residence are located. As a county taxpayer also, he believes saving one or both buildings <br />brings up new concerns of the building's design and how it would fit with the existing <br />courthouse, and he cannot ignore the additional costs of approximately $500,000 to <br />$750,000 outlined by the architect. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Meyer moved to award the low bid to Industrial Builders, Inc. of Fargo <br />for the general demolition of the former Cass County jail/sheriff <br />residence; to contract with Bergstrom Electric for electrical demolition <br />and relocation work; Grant's Mechanical for mechanical demolition and <br />relocation; Butler Equipment for generator purchase/lease; HES <br />Environmental Services for asbestos/hazardous material abatement; and <br />T.L. Stroh for construction of temporary shelters for mechanical/ <br />electrical/Cass County needs. And further, to proceed with demolition <br />steps as outlined in the memorandum dated February 5, 2003, from <br />Bonnie Johnson, County Coordinator. <br />