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<br />Commission Minutes--February 18, 2003 2562 <br /> <br />13. CONTRACT APPROVAL, Steven D. MottinQer: North Dakota Department of <br />,.-. Transportation: Family Healthcare Center <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Sorum moved and Mr. Bennett seconded to approve the following <br />contracts submitted by respective department head, subject to state's <br />attorney approval, and authorize the chairman to sign: On roll call vote, <br />the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Steven D. Mottinger --2003 contract for indigent defendants; <br />North Dakota Department of Transportation--traffic safety grant in the amount of <br />$1,200.00 for sending one officer to the National Lifesavers Conference; <br />Family Healthcare Center--jail medical services. <br /> <br />14. <br /> <br />JAIUSHERIFF RESIDENCE, Demolition bids awarded <br />In a letter dated February 6,2003, Mr. Merlan Paaverud, State Historical Society Director, <br />informed the county commission that the State Historical Society of North Dakota does not <br />object to the removal of the former Cass County Jail because it appears its structural <br />integrity and usefulness has diminished to the point where it is no longer a viable structure <br />for Cass County. They did, however, recommend the former sheriff's residence be <br />retained, and Mr. Paaverud provided a sketch of how it might be incorporated in the overall <br />design by moving the proposed west addition to the north and east of where it is proposed. <br /> <br />"" <br /> <br />At the request of Chairman Wagner, Rick Hoganson of Foss Associates, provided <br />comments on the State Historical Society's suggestions regarding the location of a <br />proposed Courthouse west addition. Mr. Hoganson said it would not be as easy to <br />implement the State Historical Society's plan as it may first appear. He provided a list of 17 <br />concerns with moving the proposed addition to a different part of the block, including the <br />potential for structural instability requiring supportive shoring for the Sheriff's Residence and <br />the courthouse, possibly requiring the windows to be blocked off on the west side of the <br />courthouse to meet fire codes because the new building would be less than 12' from the <br />existing building; redrawing schematic plans; and the potential for additional costs to county <br />taxpayers of $500,000 - $750,000 to protect the courthouse and sheriff's residence during <br />construction with the close proximity of a new building. <br /> <br />In talking with the architect about proposed connecting links between the county buildings, <br />Mr. Bennett asked if the proposed 10th Street pedestrian crossing could be underground <br />instead of overhead. Mr. Hoganson said there would be more costs associated with an <br />underground connection due to all of the utilities and services buried at different levels, and <br />obtaining permission to go under a State trunk highway would be more complicated. <br />Preliminary approval has been granted tor an overhead walkway, he said. <br /> <br />The chairman next called on Robert Hoy, Attorney with the Ohnstad Twichell Law Firm, <br />retained by the board as outside legal counsel. Mr. Hoy said it is his opinion that the board <br />of commissioners is acting within its full legal authority to award bids on the demolition of <br />both the tormer jail and sheriff's residence, if that is the decision made today. <br /> <br />,-. <br /> <br />Terry Stroh, Architect for the demolition project, was also present and addressed the board <br />at this time on the bids that were opened January 16, 2003, tor demolition ot the buildings. <br />The low bidder tor the demolition work was Industrial Builders, Inc. with a base bid of <br />$178,000.00, and there are some alternates the county will need to address. <br />