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<br />"lininlunl Lot Size~ l' ard Requirements'! and Spacing Re(luircnlcnts: <br />-Lot size: !\1 i ni nlU1l1 of 10 ac res, <br />- '{ ard Rcqui rCl11cnts: <br />H.oad Setbacks: /\rt ic le 1\/ ~ Section 29 '()(L Subsection 29.05 <br />Rear '{ ard - a ]11111 I 11111 111 of 25 feet: unattached acCessory' struclLlre~ =' ~ set bac k: <br />S lde \. aru - a lllln ill1UJ11 of 15 feet: unattachl"\d st ruet ures 5 ~: <br />- :\c cess po in 1 S III LIst he se pa rated frot11 adj acc-n t aeee ss po i nt s by d i ~ta nees 0 f: <br />r ,oeal Road - lOO feet: <br />('0 I rector H.oad - ~OO fect: <br />/\rtcria I H.oad - ..~O() feeL <br />I n h.' rscct 10 ns - :; 00 reet. <br /> <br />Spccialllistrict Regulations: <br />/\s 0 r r chruary' ] l ~ 1 990~ any n:sidcnt i ~l or agric ult ura l USL~S in In /\g P-l [)ist riet \\:ill be allo\vcd to <br />he cotlsl ructed~ en largcd~ extended. reconstructed~ or st ructurall y altered as long as such changes con fOrtll to <br />the yard requi rclllcnts 111 the ~i\g P-I Oi strict. <br /> <br />Photographs: <br />Photographs \Vere taken at the t i 111C 0 r physica 1 inspect lon: t hese ~ along \\"1 th other ident i fying plats and t11apS <br />are located i 11 t he addenda of t his report. <br /> <br />Highest and Best l;se <br />.4s J"<(lea,,! <br /> <br />Lc.~(/ I ~" /-J(Tlni.\'si hIe <br />l~he fi rst stL~P j n d("ternlini ng the suhjecl site ~ s highest and best USe is addr~ssing lega 1 considerations or <br />pri \'atc rcstricti(lns~ Lon i ng~ bu i ld j ng codes~ en\'l ronnl~ntQ 1 rcgu lations. etc. In this case ~ no signl tl (,Jnt lcga I <br />restrictions 0 r use art' c\.ident. The SLI bj ect is zoned /\g P-]. 'rhe intended use of tl1 i s zon i ng is to prt~scrYe <br />and prOlllotc the use of land for ag.ricul tUfa l purposes, and to protect it frolll encroachnlcnt hy non-agricu Itura] <br />dc\'elopIllent. Penllltted uses include agricultural and agricultural fe-fated uscs~ residential uscs~ and non-fanl1 <br />resident ialllseS. The sLlh.iect ~ s prnxlll1 it)' to the ('ity of lloracc ~ and its loc,1tion a hUttlllg C~ounty H igh\vay 14 <br />along \\'lth easy., acce~s to 1-29~ creates an appeal for the setting. \vhieh suggests a use heyond agriculture. <br />.,\dditionally;~ the propcl1y lS located in a FE !vL:\-idcntific-d tlood hazard arC3~ but in a B Zone: flood insurance <br />is not requi red for nlortgagc pllrpos~s. :\ga 1 n~ 1 his t~}ctor is a de fi n i te ~H,h'antage ~ as I11uLh of t he land on th~ <br />east ~iJc of ! -~9 is located in the 1 OO-year floud plain. <br /> <br />/)/11.,\'/(,([1/1. f)os,\'ihle <br />-rhe test of physicaJ possibility! addresses ho\v the site' s phy~ical characteristics (si7e~ location~ topography. <br />etc.) \v II I j lnpact its probahle highest and best uSe. /\gain~ its loc3t 1011 and size have a nlcasllrabl~ inlpact on <br />probable uses. The ~i7e of the tract docs not a]]o\v for nluch flexibility as to potential uses. <br /> <br />r~i ! 1 (Ill (. . i i1111. f ~(-' ( 1,\' ; I) / e " <br />'"I.he preceding tests idcnti tied the subject as a snlalllracllocated In an area transitioning fronl an agricultural USe <br />to potcntjJ] th:\'elopn1enl gi\"en its location. In the e\'ent that the subject \vas offered for sale ~ the prospect tor a <br />residential use- is a realistic Illarket expectation~ as current t11arket data and its size i n1p1y an appeal other than an <br />agrj c u l tura] use. - rh is use 1 S S uppol1ed by sJ11all tract purchases for predonl i na te l y si ngle- J~l1ni ly devc lopnlent <br />and../or anci llary. uses, <br /> <br />;\I(I,rl IJll1! I,' f),O( )(!J{( 'f ;"C'.. <br />~rhe preced i ng tests of lega J ly pcrnliss 1 ble ~ phy"s lea 1 ly possl hlc. and tl nancla I l ~/ feas 1 h l~ ha \"c cone I uded <br />potent ial for rLltur~ de\'e IOpnlCOtlt as hei ng ti nane ra I ly feasi hie. 13y t~IL the rredolllillant fonll 0 f rural <br /> <br />RM HOEFS & ASSOCIATES <br /> <br />l ~ <br />