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<br />Uc\"c lOp[l1ent has been si ngle t~lll1il y residential. /,\It hough (h~\'c ]opnlent acti\'ity has n01 reac hed the sanlC lcve I <br />as those !c-ve l S 110rt h of l-Ioracc ~ su ffiel cnt nlarkct dCll1and exists for parce] sill Stan ley T o\\'llshi p to generate <br />land prices.' val LIes exceeding those nOrIl1a l ly p~id for parcels pure hased strictly for agril'ultural use. l~hercforc. <br />it i s r("a~onablc to aSSU1l1e t hat the ov~rall 111arket provldes a 111aX i rnu r11 econolllic return for a si nglc fa 111 il y <br />dt:tac 11 cd use. <br /> <br />,)'11!} 1 f} 1 {/ r\' <br />Based on the- pre-cedi ng ana lysis~ the subject ~ s highest and hest use is cone] udell to he a rural resi dent ia J US(\ <br />\\'h ie his evident frOlTI the 111tl rk~t si nee suffic lent delnand ex ists. Th is den1and is supported by current sa les <br />and represents 11laxi 111Ulll cCOl1orll ic producti \'ity'. l-his ('one I usion a~ 10 the parce J \; highest and best use <br />prO\'!dL~S the nasls for the follo\vl ng \'al LInt iOll process. <br /> <br />..4.\' 111I/JrO\ll!t! <br />'I'hc- site i~ inlpro\'cd \vith a ~ingJe\\.id(" 1110blle honle~ garage~ hreeze\\'ay-' and 111lscellaneous buildings. l-he <br />current illlpro\'clllcnts are physicail:y' appropric:ltL' for this use. .~ cursory exterior vie\\'ing of the site and <br />hulld i ng i nlprO\'c1l1cnt s indicates Eli r to averag~ quall ty' constrLlction~ \\"hich~ frol11 a physicJ l \'ic\v. appear to <br />b (" i n t :-11 reo 11 d i t i 0 Il: I H) \ V eve r ~ the y co 11 t rl but c va III t.~ tot he sit ~ \ vel L c () n s e q II en t l y. n () e c () n 0 [11 i c . j II S t j fi cat ion <br />couJd be found for t hei r reno\"ation or derTIol it lon. <br /> <br />5-'11111111(11) , <br />The concept of highest and best use is b~lsed on a suhstantial pl~riod~ 3nd is intlucnced hy the rctllaining life of <br />the struct urc". 'rhe physica l, runct lonul Gnd eX1CI11al t~lctors affect i ng the subj eel infer a lengthy econo[llic lite. <br />'I'herefofc ~ it is reasonable to cone lude" tha t l he subject i J11prO\"enlents r("pr~sent t he highest and best use of the <br />site. l\~ prc\'iollsly stated~ si nee th~sc i nlpnJ\"12nl(~nlS \,"il] not be dalllaged \\-'i 111 t he take~ no further <br />consideration \vill he given to thelll in the body ofthL~ appraisal. <br /> <br />"!aluation Process I Ovcrvic\\" <br /> <br />'rhL~ val ualion J.1rocess is cOJllpri sed of integrated and interre lated techn iCllIes and procedures ha vi ng the <br />C01111110n obj eet i ve of pro\'id i ng a \\\."ll-suppurted \'a l ue cone Ius inn, \yh 1 c h re flects al l of the hlctors that <br />i n11 llence the esti 111at(' of ll1arKct va I LtC of the appra tsed property. l'h ret" standard approaches are typically <br />llsed in the appra isa 1 0 f real estate. The type of property bel ng appra i scd~ t hl? purpose of the appraisaL the <br />adequacy anu reliability oCttle data availahle in each of these approaches deternlltleS \vhich approache~ are <br />used~ J.nd the- re ]at i vc \\'cigh t gi Ven to eac h in arri vi ng at the cone l usion 0 f val LIe. <br /> <br />.:\ pre J i 111 i nary anal ys is 0 r the i 1l1pnl\'ed propel1y indicates t hat no bui Idi ng inlproven1cnt s \vi II be inc llldcd in <br />the acq III red area nor \vi I l the rCnl3.1 ndc-r be adverse l:y: affected. Since lhts i nit ial reYl-c\v l nd j cates that the <br />part ial acqui sit ion \-vll I not dan1agc th(" rC1113i nd~r parce I as i 111pro\'e(L no considerat ion \vas gi ven to the <br />bui!d i ng i lnprove [lle-nts locat~d on the larger parcc] ~ {lnd the apprai sal heconles one orland only \\"ith the sales <br />cot11parison approac h heing the OIl ly val id approach. Th i s approach is based on direct c0l11pari son and <br />i n\'o I yes the assenlblage ~ anarysis~ and cOlllparison of llla rket data to the subject propel1y. 'The cost approac h <br />\vas not uscd~ as the building inlpro\"enlents \verC' not considered. -rhe iJ1C0111C approach \vas not used as l3nd <br />1 s not genera!ly hought and sold i n th~ open tllarket for its i nC0111C produci ng c haractcrist 1C5. <br /> <br />Sales Conlparison ~-\ppr()ac h l\nalysis / I...and \l alue ";\nalysis <br />'rhe sa fcs c0I11pari son tee hn rqut" is used to establish the val lie of the lJnd~ as it is the 1110St C01111110n and 1110St <br />pre fcrred lnethod \vhen a sufficient nUll1ber of sales 0 f si 111ilar parcels are a va ilahlc. The sales are <br />anaJ yzccL c0111pared to the su bject site ~ and adjusted to pro\'ide an i nd icat ion of \'alll~. ,;\ period of ten years <br />\vas researched for sales and listlngs oflot~ considered cot11parahic to the subject. Sale data \vas gathered vla <br />n1ark~t r~searc h conducted for the apprai sa L \vith the offices of t h~ C'ass C'ounty R~gister 0 r De~ds and ('ass <br />C'ount): <-\ssessor consulted for spcci tic sale data. ()ver sixty sales \vere considered in this analysis: ho\vC'\'cr. <br />it \vas d~tenlll ned that t hose sa les on the \\'"est siue of I-~l) and south of 1-94 are n10st a ppropriate to the <br />a ppra isa I probh.?ln~ \vi t h the !1e ighborhood hei ng Ii rlli ted to t hat area. <br /> <br />RM HOEFS & ASSOCtA TES <br /> <br />14 <br />