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<br />cra xes: <br /> <br />Parcel No. <br /> <br />ReSFdentia I <br />Year Land Value <br /> <br />Ag ri c u Itu r a I <br />Land Vatue <br /> <br />1 m provements <br /> <br />Market Value <br /> <br />Assessed <br />Vafue <br /> <br />Taxable <br />Value <br /> <br />Mill <br />Rate <br /> <br />64000002150000 2004 $27,000,00 <br /> <br />$0,00 <br /> <br />528,200,00 <br /> <br />$55,200 <br /> <br />$27,600 <br /> <br />$2.484 <br /> <br />421.94 <br /> <br />64000002150000 General Real Estate Taxes <br />Southeast Water Resource Oistrict <br />Drain Tax <br />Total Tax <br /> <br />1,035.66 <br />12,42 <br />14.89 <br />$1.062.97 <br /> <br />In North Dakota, general taxe~ are calculated as follo\\'s: .True 8.: Full \lalue x .500'f) - assessed \lalue x I O~(/I) - <br />'[ axa hle \/ a l ue x Mil] R3tC. 'l'he true and full va 1 LIe is construed to be the- pri cc a \\'llli ng huyer \VOU Jd pay a <br />\v ill i ng se l Jer ill a free and open 111arkct. IJrllill la.\~l!s are lIsse,\',\'{!(1 tl}{aillSf the IJroJ}er(r~ <br /> <br />Zoning: <br />'Thj~ parcel falls \vlthin the Stanley' 'ro\\rl1ship zoningj urisdiction of an /\gricultural Prcscn~ation J>istrict -1 ~ <br />C~\g P-I )~ \vhie h t s intended to preserve and prOlllote agricul tura 1 uses. and also serves to protect th~ land frOtll <br />L~ncroac IHllent hy non-agricul tur~d de\'e loplllC'nt. <br /> <br />Perlnitted l.1 scs: <br />-(\)I11111CrC 1 a 1 Hbricu h LIre: ] 00 or nlor~ an i lllal un its 0 r ] i vesloc k or poultry ~ horses lnc 1 udell. <br />-Fann buildings and lhvt.~]]ings: D\\'ellings linlited to 1\\'0 (~) per t~l['nl. <br />-Farnl d ra i nage and j rrlgatton ~~/~tc]ns. <br />-Designa ted historical sites. <br />- :\on- t~lnll si ngle- f~l tlll ly d\\\~lll ngs (. i nc luding Jl1Jnu Elctured hOtlles): N"o lllore than 110n- t~lnll t\VO f~l[ni l~y <br />(h\-'l.:.~ l li 11 gun it \\' ill bl.? all o\\'c-d for ~ac h q U3 rt c r quart ('1' sect i on (40 ac res). <br />- Feed lots or poul tr)' lots provided the fol lo\vi ng sctb~cks arc Illet: (~odC"s app ly. <br />-1-I0111C for tenlporary lodgi ng ~l nd nlea ls. <br /> <br />Pernlitted &~ccessory l1SC'S: <br />- Prl \"a tc garages and ~torJgt: bu 11 dings. <br />- Playhouse~ and t~nced S\\"11111111 ng pon ls. <br />-' rransicnt agricultural lahor (1\\"'(' III ng~ in conlp liancc \vi t h StJtl? and Fcdcra I rL"gulatlons. <br />- /\ 11 1111 a I un its n () t (' x c cc d i 11 g ~ unit s pC' r acre cJ ens it y fa r non - fa rnl rc- sid en t 1 a 1 II n 1t s . <br />- Landsc~pl ng i tenlS. <br />-Energy: s)~stcnlS associated \vlth rL~sidenliaI use~ such as solar collcctors~ \\.'lnd geI1CTators. etc. <br />-f'Jonlc occupations (codc-~ apply) <br /> <br />(~onditional llscs: ((~onditions apply) <br />-()utdoor recreation areas~ churches. and schools <br />-C'c 1l1ele r1 es <br />-Private ajrport~ <br />- Lnca I govcrnnlCI1 t bu lIdt ngs and t-:1cil it ies <br />- Esscnt ia] scr\'ic~s <br />-~r C111pOraryl l J ses. <br />-Kennels <br />-R.Jdio and te levision tranSllllssion to\\'crs, stat ion offices and st udios <br />-~r e[llpOrary use 0 f a one hllni ly d\\'e 11 i llg J S a t\\-'o faIn] l~y d\ve]] i ng. <br />-:'\ccessory hui ldi ngs ]11a1" b~ bud t h~fore the 111a 1 n ~t ructure is constructed. <br /> <br />Prohihited l r St~s: <br />;\ l I other lLses and struct ures not pen1l1ttcd by right or cond itlonal use pCrlnlt shall be proh l hi ted. <br /> <br />RM HOEFS & ASSOCIATES <br /> <br />l~ <br />