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<br />FLOODSOURCE~ <br />FLOODSCAPE'\'" j <br /> <br />Prepared for: <br />11 "J:- 11~)'h A .e-t,.... :: J'.!~ ~ <br />H,V~( f. r~t' ~~!.'14' <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />'~-, ~ i <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />r---- -- - - '-'7~- . .. -.... <br /> <br /> <br />~- ,~ <br /> <br />---...,..1---.. <br /> <br />;! <br />ij <br />II <br /> <br />22 <br /> <br />~ <br />1 <br />~] <br />jf <br />'- - ,----t=~ <br /> <br />I! <br />Ij <br /> <br />27 <br /> <br />Fl 00[1 SOURCE <br /> <br />F 'f . . , H {./ .~' :~... .'. \-w <br /> <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />~____~HU <br /> <br />IiIbp Hum~ <br />33J'::::;'o;;OC I')O~ <br /> <br />. ...:...-;:;~",-", <br />I <br /> <br />f1f~dNt: O<<e <br /> <br />F ~....~ T ..: 1'':' ;~. <br /> <br />zm <br /> <br />~~~~ ~ rll'! "l"'VtI" ~ I IllII..ti I r <br /> <br /> <br />.,...... . <br /> <br />2 E P<.....~r.~ p. F:.'~..,<"""'Y' ~ <br /> <br />-:r. 1'41~.jl.IL.~ r.. Ilrr .,.PrOJ-1II' .I--~)~I~. rll.~..'=~"":.:';I1.11!' : .fD~""tJ:'(I. .WI .'gtlll! 1'lI!~"""'1!'1 ~.AII!'!"1!:: ~~""; '.. :;~~ ~.-j ~ ~:::iJ P.I~ 1.JI:'1~ =-.-t'!!.-,Il5 ':~i'Il:1frl;J ~ ':'1r F"',I:. Irlr:I~~:-.~J:!="_HjJ"'" ~ '.'.Ir. <br /> <br />"'1 i n era I (leposi ts <br />'1'0 the- kno\\.1 edge 0 f the arpra iser, no [ni ncral depo~i ts arc present \\'h ich \vould create an i nCre[llcnt of \'aluc <br />o\'er the \'aluC' or the land. <br /> <br />Iluilding I mpro\'cmcnts: <br />'rhe site is lnlprovcd viith a slngle\vide nlobde honlc~ garage~ breezt:\vay. and nlisceIlancolls building <br />i lllpro\"enlents. S j nee the propeJ1y O\\:'llC-r \\"llS not locat\!J~ a physical inspect ion of t he itnprOVCll1ents \-vas not <br />lllade h~llhe appraiser: ho\\'c\'cr fr0111 rh(" exterior. it appears that no bui ldlng or site il11provc-nlcnts \\'ill he <br />I n c Iud c dill the a rc a a c q II ire d. 'r h ~ sit (' i s pa rt i ally en c ] 0 se d h y.' n1 at Ll re she 11 C rhe 1 t. <br /> <br />l f ti lities <br />'rht.\ appraisL~r a~SlHl1es the site is served hy. rural \vater~ electricity and telephone. and that the st?\ver systenl is <br />prl \'ate. <br /> <br />Rela tionship of Site to Surrnu ndings <br />l~he si ters area~ shape and rhysica l character} st ics are all reasonab I y a.pproprjat~ for a nl r.::d res ident in] USe. <br />'fhese c haracteri sties are cons idered in cst inlating the \"a l ue 0 r the subject. <br /> <br />RM HOEFS & ASSOCIATES <br /> <br />I 1 <br />