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<br />the .1ppra isa I i nspcct ion~ in fornlat ion provided it'onl \'arioLls sourccs~ the property o\-vneL the propeI1)"' o\vner" s <br />reprcscntat ivc ~ and the appropriate county departnlents. ThL~ eJ1C losed exh i hits EIC il itate this dcscri ptinn" <br /> <br />~.\ddress: <br />4X05 looth :\ \'('nUl? Sout h <br />II orace. North Dakota :\ ~()4 7 <br /> <br />Identification (.-\bbr('viatrd): <br />"I"hc enclosed exhibits identify this parcel as consisting of 1.44:- acres (~50' x 25(),) locat~d in the S\V corner <br />of the SFI/',lSE1,:,~~ Section.2] ~ 'r i ~XN~ R,49\\l of the 5[11 Principnl \lcridi.1J1. (~ass C~ollnty~ I'\orth Dakota~ Parcel <br />!i64-000()-O~ 150-{)OO. <br /> <br />Location: <br />-rhis parcel is located on the north side or ('oLlnty I-ligh\\'ay 14. about :2 lllilcs \vcst of 1-19. !\djaccnt land <br />Llsers 1 nc] ude ~l 111i x of rura I resident ial propert ics and farnll,1nd. <br /> <br />Physical (~ha ractcristics (Shape.. Size"! Topography'! t:tc.): <br />The county; l i ~t s th i s parce] as hay] ng 1 .44 acres. The identi fied larger p.:1rcc I fronts 011 C'ounty Road 14. The <br />o\'t?ra l I tract is sq uare ~ and conlpara b le to other SIn3 l] acreages used for resident ial purposes. It has a nearly <br />k~\'(' 1 topograp hy ~ \v i tll ~L1rniCe Lira i nage en hanced by 3rca dral nage ditc hes. \\/ ith the exception of the parce I \~ <br />depth. no linliting physical charactcristic~ \\"ere apparent. <br /> <br />E 11\'irOnnl(lntal (,~onditi(}ns <br />'rhe val ue csti llla tt:' i ~ predicated on the aSSUIllptl01l that 110 ad\'~rsc en\'i ronnlenta l condi tions eX ist (see <br />lj1l1iting conditions)~ and that the suhject parcel i~ uenvironlnentally Llcan~~ \,.jth respect to all federal. ~tate~ <br />and locall~l\\'~. /\ conlplete en\'jrOl1[l1enta] site aSSC-SSlllcnt should be sccur~d in the c\'ent that contanlll1atlon is <br />suspect. 1-hc appra isal i~ subj eet to re\'i sinn l1y and at the Ji seret ion of the undersigned~ in the t:\'ent <br />contJJ11i nat ion lS found. "rhe appro. lScr aSSUllles no responsi bi li t}' for any cnvl ronrncntaI condltions~ or for any <br />expert lse rcq u ired to d lscover thc1l1. <br /> <br />Easenlcnt. l~ncrnarh nlents~ 1-1 aza rds and' uiSanCl)S <br />/\ tit!~ report \vas not JV3iJablc. \J\fh de uti 1 it}, eaSelllent~ [na): he present. they arc con~idereJ fronl the <br />standpoint that they do not ad\"crsely'" affect the value of the suhject. No hazards or nuisances \vere noted that <br />\voltld i.H.h'crse 1 v affect t h~ ~ite. <br /> <br />Flood Pia in Sta tu s: <br />Flood I nsuranc(' Rate Map (F If{ VI) C'ollllllun it y- Pane I :\0. .) R025 X 0010(': dated ~-2 -1995: lone Bind icatc~ <br />that the lna.1ority of this p~rccl is Jocated <br />. In an area bet \\'ccn the hnl it s of t ht? 100-year flood and 500-ycJr flood or <br />. I n an a rea ~u bJt.~ct to ] 00 ~/ear 1100d but \vith dept hs of le~s than 1 foot or \vhcrc th(" contri but i ng <br />dra lnagc 1 s less than one square 1111 lc or <br />. J 11 an area protected by lc\"cl?s frOlll the hase nood. <br /> <br />Flood insurance i ~ genera l ly not req u i red for fi nancing purposes: ho\Ve\'cL i nd i vi dua l aSSeSSl1lents 111USt be <br />1113dc. I: lood pIa in stat llS is a vi tal C0111pOncnt in t he a pp~a land nlarketahlli t y of area propeJ1 ies. <br /> <br />RM HOEFS & ASSOC1A lES <br /> <br />lO <br />