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<br />" . ~ t ~ \ ~ ) I', ' . '. ~.' r . :. :. l.' \ (L t' ( ) f . "\ ' r ' \ 1 r i ( ~ I I \ \ ..\, \ ~ } !. i <br /> <br />~ .. I ,~ ( ).J J < ( ,r l' (' J i { ) ~-) t <br /> <br />. . \ ", >. {- ( ~ l .\' r y. \ (") t < i" II 1 ) . \ 1\ ( )" I ' .\ <br /> <br />~ ........ n. _,_._,.. ._.. __,__ <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />. <br />~-'" <br />r I <br />~ [ <br />--;-."" ~-1' <br />j "1 <br />! 'I <br /> <br />j <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />-- " '-- -.........-....!- ....- ---. <br /> <br />_L_... . <br />1--------- r- ..--' ._~.__u '.'- .- n. '. <br /> <br />~_ .._ . _. _ . _ . +-. l _ <br /> <br />Statenlent of C~ompel"cncy <br />~rhl~ appraisal assigl1[llent \Vd~ accepted frolll the client by R. :vI. I-Iocfs (.~ .\ssociales~ fne. The undersigned <br />has COlllp letcd prior assignnlcnts on s i 111ila r condenlnat ion projects. ~rhc kno\v ledge and experience of the <br />appraiser i 11 the \"a l uati on of not only agricuh ural but transi llonal LIse propcl1 ics is cstab I ishcd~ ha "1 ng been <br />con ti rJllcd through the sllccessful COJllp let ion or llLUllerOLLS appraisal s and educational courses otlered by the <br />.A..ppraisal I nst it ute. 'rhe appra lser is an advanced candidate of the /\pprai sa] Inst itute and is board-certi ficd <br />through the North l)akota Rea] ESt3tC /\pprai ser Qua 1 j tlcati on and Eth ic~ Board and through t he Stale of <br />\111 n nesota [)epart [nen tor C'Onllllcrce. ( See cnc losed Qual i ficat ions). 111 cone i usion. all of the necessary steps <br />ha \'e been taken to t~IC it i tate the C0l11p let iOll of thi s assignnlcnt i 11 a COlllpetent and professiona l nlanllcr, <br />(Onlp lyi ng r'ul ly \vi th the C.'o111fletency' Pn.)\,j ~ion 0 r t he l~ n i fonn Standards of ProCession a! i\ppraisal Pract ice. <br /> <br />PRE-f\CQlJISll~IO~ P.,,\RCEL DESCRJP1~IO~ <br /> <br />I n trod lie tin n: <br />/\ parce] deseri pt i on 1 11\'01 yes a brief listi ng () f 1l1Ct llal data and i nfof1natjon on pertj nent phys leal <br />c haracteri st ics. 1-h i sin forIllat ion is \'ita] in that It can create~ ell hance, or del ract fr0111 the parcc r s util it).! and <br />nlarketability' 3S c0l11parC"d \.vi th COll1pCtl ng properties. 'fh i s dese ri pt ion is based 011 ()bS~r\"3tions noted duri ng <br /> <br />RM HOEFS & ASSOCtATES <br /> <br />9 <br />