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<br />no such nlaterials on the parceL since the presence ofel1\.'ironnlclltal conditions Illay affect the \.aluc <br />of the site. its ll1Jrket3bility.'. and../or utility. <br /> <br />I ~;. No C()Pl~S of the report or original rcport~ or por11ons thereof\vill be conveyed to th~ puhiic \vithout <br />the approval of the apprai ser. F urth~nllore ~ the a ppraiser, the a ppraisa 1 nnll~ or prorC~sion3l <br />organization oCthe appraiser \\'i]1 not be id(lol1tificd \\"ithout her \\Tittcn consent. <br /> <br />1.:1-. It 1~ [lSslUned that the total anloLlnt ofli3hi]ity to the appraiser and the appraisal firnl. is reIali\"e to the <br />preparation and uti] ization of this report. and i~ linlitcd to th~ anlollnt or fee collected. <br /> <br />t :). It is ackno\.v ledged that t h~ date- of the \'~]u(" csti1l1ah: and the opi n ion ot\.aluc expressed in thi s report <br />are t hllS~ St.~t fort h l n l he letter 0 r tr3nStlli ttal. <br /> <br />1(,. LJn Ics~ othcr\\'isc noted in the appraisaL no consideration is glven to any! potcntl.:d naturaL historicaL <br />scicntitJc. cultural or rt:creationa] \'alu~ that 111JY be inherent in the suhject. nor has any allocation <br />heen 111adc for 111int?ral rights or derosits. <br /> <br />] 7. It i s assunl~d t hat test i 111011)/ or attendanc~ l n court or at any' court hearing is not rC'qu ired because of <br />rend~ri ng th is apprai sal unlesS SLle h arrangcnl~nts are lllad~ a reasonable ti llle in ad\ancc. "rhc- <br />appraiser retai ns t he right to alllcnd the appraisaJ report to expand upon the data C"ontai ned in the <br />report to rc\' ie\\-:. consider and eval uate any addi tiona 1 dat~ that heco1l1cs ava i 1 able bct\veen the date <br />or the a ppraisal and t he date of court test i 1110ny' or hear] ng~ and to ~lJllend the appra isa I report to <br />re fleet Slle h data~ 10 [l1akc- an y requl red or necessary adj Llstll1cnts to t he val uc opi n ions. <br /> <br />1 x. It i~ assu[llcd that anyone using thl~ reporL regardless of the purros~ or 1l1oti\"ation (including all third <br />pa rtics or any and a 1 I other person l s J. clC.) agre(' to be hound b~y cae h and everyone of these <br />conti ngent and 1 i 111 it i ng cond it ions hereby considered to he a part of th is report. <br /> <br />Scope of thl~ l\ppraisal <br />~rh is appraisal \\'as devc loped as a C'OlllP let~ /\pprai sal in accordance \\'it h the 1111 n ][1111111 report ing <br />rcqul re1l1ents of L! S P &:\ p. It \vas reported using the Shot1 F unl1 fonnat as def] ned in the lJ n i f0f111l\ct \vi t h the <br />dcpt h of the process spL'ci fie to t he needs of the client a nd for the i ntcndcd us~ of t he a pprJisal. ~rhi s appraisal <br />\\'as dcvc loped as a part of a f} J?().1 EC'T.-I. f)f)R.1 15~,1 L R I:)J()/? T Cor enlincnl d0111ai n purposes. -rhe Jurisdiction <br />Exception clause of l.JSP/\P applies to those ~cctions of the report that do not cn111ply! \\.'ith the reporting <br />rcqu 1 n?1l1~nts as established by tJSP&L\P ~ Standards Rules land 2. Please refer to t he Basic Data Book, Part I <br />(~rt"{! l>>r(~j(!(Jt Report regard 1 ng speci tic di scussion of Juri sdiet ion31 Exception s} nee th is appraisalls \vrit ten <br />for purposes 0 r enl i nent dOlllal n <br /> <br />Purpose of the /\ppraisal <br />'rlle sole purpose of this appraisal is to cstl1l1ate the 111arkct \'aluc of the fee Si[l1ple estate to b~ acquired under <br />the provl ~ions of l J n i fornl /\ ppra i sal Standards for Fcdera lI,and i\cquisitions ofth~ lJ Ili fornl I\C1. Publ ic La\\/ <br />91-()46. -+9(' FH. 24. ] 02 and "\Jorlh [)akota Statutes. <br /> <br />Scope of the \\-'ork <br />See Scope of the \Vork noted in the Bll.'iic Dt/Ill Book {~/'t"e Pr(~ject Report. <br /> <br />Intended llse and lJscr of tht~ .,\ppraisal <br />'rile intended uSe of th ~s apprJl sa] is to ass iSl the C'ass ('ounty l.f igh\\'ay fJepa rtol("nt ill negotiati ng just <br />conlpCIlsallon \vith the property ()\vners for the property' rights to be acquired. 'rhis appraisal is tllade solely' <br />for th is speci fie llse and for Ihe intended If.\:ers. i nc I udi ng t he ('ass C\Hlnty J-I igh \\..ay [)cp3rt]n~nt the propeI1y <br />o\vncrs and 'or the i r representat i \'(.S~ and potentlall y ~ the ~ orth l)akota I)epartnlent of "I'rnnspOl1at ion. -rile <br /> <br />RM HOEFS & ASSOCIATES <br /> <br />6 <br />