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<br />('ontingl?nt and Linliting C~()nditinns <br />"rhi s appraisal is subject to tht.~ follo\vi ng conI ingent and Ii Illi ling condit ions: <br /> <br />] . <br /> <br />-rh is is a (' OIllll lett /\ppraisaL as it does not i 11 \"ll ke the Departure Pro\'i~ion of the t.J l1i fOrJll Standards <br />or Profes~iotlal ,:\ppralsal Practice. It \Vas \\Titten in SlUl1tllary fonllaL \vhich i~ a s:ynopsis of the <br />dJta~ reasoning. and analyses used to dc\'clop the appr~iscr"s opinion ot\'alue. specific to the needs of <br />the c bent and for t hL' intended use stated in t his report. No rcspons1 bd it!: 1 S a~sLlnled for its <br />unauthorized uSe, No departures \\'erc invoked in the preparation of this appraisal fr01l1 the guidelines <br />o r Standard R.ule I of the l.I 11 i fornl Standards 0 r Pro fessiona] ~-\pJlraisal Pract ice. <br /> <br />') <br /> <br />.1"0 the degree t h3t the i fornl Standards of Professiona I :\ppral sa l Pract ice and t ht.~ lJ n i Conn <br />/\ppra 1 sa l Standards for Fcdcra l I.and /\cq ul sitions (2000 ) vary!. tht.~ J urisdict ional Except ion <br />Pro\'islon of l..~SPl\P appllc~. 'I"his appraisal does not address unt(lreseeahle c"\"ents that could alter the <br />Jnarkcl cond i t ions retlected in the ana]~/sis. <br /> <br />This report i~ prepared for enlinent dOlllain procec"dings. The "an~r" section of this report is prepared <br />under the hypothetical cundition that the take has occurred. The uSe of this hypothctic.:11 condition is <br />required for purpose~ of reasonable analysjs~ resulting in a credible analysi~ urthe ~.anc(~ state. "rhis <br />~ppraisa] does not address unforeseeable- cy("nts that could alter the Illarket conditions renect~d in the <br />anaJ ys is. <br /> <br />4. The legal descriptions used in thi~ report are assLulled rorrect. "rhc appraiser ha~ not conlpJet~d a <br />suryey nor does she a~Sllnle any rt.~sponsi hi 1 i ty for legal [llatters~ \\.-hic h 111ay affect tit Ie to th~ property. <br />'rhe title 1 S assu111cd good and 111CrC hantablc. <br /> <br />:;. I nfoflna t ion furnished by! others is aSSlHlled correct and rc 1 iablc. /\ rcasonah l~ effort \vas lllade to <br />\'eri fy t his data~ ho\ve\\~r. no responsihi 1 it Y' i ~ aSSllll1ed by,' th~ appraiser for its accuracy. <br /> <br />(). /\ I [ nlortgagcs~ I icns~ etlCUlllhra Ilces. aSScSSlllt."nts. and ~ervlt udes ha \\: be-en disregarded un less so <br />~peci fled \\'1 th i n the report. l~he sjte j s appra ised as though under responsihk' o\\'llcrshi p. <br /> <br />7. It is assu[l1cd that t here arc no hidden or apparent cond itions of the soi 1 or subsoi 1. \v hie h \\'oldd <br />render 1t J110re or less val uablc. N () rcsponsi hil it:: is aSSUllll'd for sue h condit ions or for engi necri ng. <br />\\'h ie h nlay' be required to disco\'cr t hclll. <br /> <br />:-\, It lS asslllllcd that al] applicable zoning and LIse regulations and restrictions arC" in (onlpliance~ unless <br />nun-coil forllli ty of use has been stated~ den ned~ and considered 1 n t he- appraisal report. <br /> <br />9. It is assullleo that there is no cllcrOaChrllent or trespass unless noted \vithin lhc- rL"port. <br />I H Ll S t ra t i \" e 111 ate ria l san d p lot P l a n s are i n c ] II d e din t his re port 0 n I y t 0 ass i s t the rc ad e r 111 vis u a I i Z 1 n g <br />the propcrt y" <br /> <br />10. Full cOlnpliancc \\"itb all applicable federal. state and locn! t?nvironlllenta] regulations and la\vs is <br />assllllled, un less other\\' ise stated in this repo11. <br /> <br />1 I. It is ackno\,"[edgcd that the date oCthe value estlnlate and the opinion ofv31uc expressed in this rcpon <br />arc those set COli 11 in the letter 0 f lranSIlli ttal. <br /> <br />12. No responsibility! is assuIllcd for any t:nvlronnlental conditions. or for any.' expcnise or engine~ring <br />kno\v ledge- feq 111 rcd to di sco\\~r thenl, si nc~ sue h a deternll nation req II ires i t1\'cstigation by an c-xpert <br />in the field of el1VirOnnlental aSSCSSI11cnt. 'rhc \"aluc cstlnlate i~ based on the aSSUll1ption that there are <br /> <br />RM HOEFS & ASSOCIATES <br /> <br />:; <br />