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<br />appraiser. and....or apprai~al office. \vill not he held liable for any unauthorized llSe of the repol1. The appraisal <br />\vas ordered by Brian Busla~ H.ight of \\'~ay' SpecialisL (~JSS C'ounty l-ligh\\/ay.t Depart111CI1t. <br /> <br />I)ropcrty J{ights Conveyed <br />-rhe prOpeJ1)! right appra i sed in thls fe-port 1 s the fee 5i 11lple estate ~ \vh ieh is deri ned~ in t he Basic I)otll Book, <br />Part J (~f the Pr(~il'ct Report. It is incorporated into tl1 is 3ppr3i sa I by refer~nce. <br /> <br />H ypothrtical (~ondition <br />-rhe .~anc-r"' sect ion of the appraiS[l] represents a hypothetical" condition or "that \\'hich is C(}llrr(/'~)' to \rhaf <br />exisr.)' hu! is .\'lljJj}(),\'ctl/()r tht! fJ/lIlJ(J.\e u(al/o!ysi.\"" (l JSP..\P). This hypothetical condition is required for <br />purposes or reasonable and credible- anal:y"sis \vithin the appraisar~ objecti\'e and intended use. <br /> <br />Jurisdictional ~=xccption <br /> <br />'fhe J urisdictiona l FXC~ptloll c lnus\? appl ies 10 lho~c sect lons of t he appraj sal rt.~p()rt that do not C(HllpJy \V l th <br />the reporting req ui re111cnts established h~y (JSP:,\P: see the BllSi(' !)lIfa Book, Part J oj' the l'r{~iect RCI,ort.. <br /> <br />..\ppraisa I ()bjective( s) <br />1-hi s appra ~sa l has a t\VO- fo I d obj ccti \'e~ (1) to deve lop a 11 opinion n r the suhject parce r s nlarket \'al ue <br />.'herore'~ the proposed takc-~ (2) to dl~velop an opinion orthe suhject parcel \~ t11arket \"a]ll~ ....after~~ C()[11pletion <br />of the proposed take. ~rhc difference bct\veen the "~before and after~~ 11larket \'alues. \vhich should renect the <br />tota 1 tah:i ng and./or n~t daIllagC's~ is on Iy one e lenlent the (~ass ('ounty 1.1 igh\vay IJcpart111C'llt and./or the i r <br />ass ign ~ COLI I d or rlla Y' consiJer in 111ak i ng thc'"i r fi na 1 detenninatioll ()f~~j ust C01l1pCnSQtlon ~~ to offer th~ prop("T1y" <br />0\ v n c r. ~r h e ~ (1 rt h I) a k 0 t a C~ C' J1 t u ry (~(1 d (' ~ S tat u t l? ~1. ~ - 03 -0 1 . } ~ de fi n e s jus t co 111 pen sa t ion a s ~ . .~r h e nll~ as u re 0 f <br />dan1ages presullled to be the di ft~r~nc(" bet\vecn the tnarker \'a]uc of the prOpL"rty inl111Cdiately before and <br />[[l1[l1Cdiately after the injury' and the reasonabIc \'alue ofthL" loss of use- pending replaCCl11cnt of the propcny.'. <br /> <br />I)cfill ition of :Vlarket \.... alue <br />!\13rkct \'a l ue is dctl ned ny' "rhe ~ort h Dakota ( 'enturv ('ode 'Tit le 24-0 I : II i eh\vavs~ [3ridges and Ferries~ as: <br />. The 11I~ t: h l/ sf /)J. ice .I ( J r \ \' II i (' II 1]1' () J J e r fy c un he . ,; () I dill f he () j )(! Jl J 11 ark e ! h,r a \ r i Iii 11 g !'l e I! t.! r f () ({ H' i I Ii n ,?, <br />/J/lrcha,\'cr. neither acting lIJl{/cr con/;.nt/sioll (llld hOlh c.rerci....;jng rcus{)llahh:.ill((~'ilenf. .. <br /> <br />Larger Parcel <br /> <br />Vv'hilc the propeny O\VllCr nla~y o\vn other land anu..... or i1l1pro\"erllents, approxinlate to the subject or \\'lthll1 <br />1 he Sarlll? 111arket area. that land and those j 111prOVenlents ha \'C been c\.cl udcd 1"'.0111 consideratlon in thi s report. <br />as they \vil1 not be dalnagcd. -rhe focus of the appraisal i~, thcrC'forc~ linlited to the larger parcel as dcscrlbcd <br />in thi s repol1. rrh~ three crltcri3 for the dctcrnlinatlOl1 of the "larger parce r~ arc out] l n~d as Co ll()\vs. <br /> <br />1 . <br /> <br />l.....lIi~J' (~/'(JJ1'llers"ip or Tifle requires legal control over not only the o\\'nershi p of the land in question <br />but also its rut Ufe. In thi s instance. t he real estate is under the lega I cont rol and o\\'nersh ip of Ronn ie <br />I ,ec- J 01' ~ and has been si nee ()ctober of 1999. l'hus~ the criterion n r lJ n ity 0 f ()v.....nersh i pis tllet. <br /> <br />') <br /> <br />('ollt~1(lIi1J' 0 r t he larger parce I considers the criterion of phys iea i proxilll i ty \vhen se\'cra! separated <br />tracts 3n.~ a part of the \vhol~ and the taking orone n~cessardy and pcrnlanently injures the other. In <br />th is [nsta[lce ~ t he tracts (honlcstead and agricultural land) 1 dcnti ftcd in th is report arc contiguous in <br />nature. There is no physical separation to consider. <br /> <br />""'l <br />'\ <br /> <br />[.,~ II i IJ' I ~r Hi K" e,"! a II tI IJ es t L /s e rc q Ll i re sac 0]111110 n h i g he s t a 11 d be s t II S c. eve Il i r the p [0 pe rt y i s not <br />being llsed to its highest 3nd best use. In this instancc~ the subject is a ] .44-acrc tract orland used as <br />a residenlla f sl tc. 'rhc site is i tllpro\"cd \\'it h a n1obi1e h0I11(\ garage ~ brceze\\'ay and ot her <br />11li see I l311cOUS hu i ldings. It is not kno\vn if the subject is occupied. <br /> <br />RM HOEFS & ASSOCIATES <br /> <br />7 <br />