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Chairman be authorized to write a letter in response to Cass County <br />Electric Cooperative's letter to the County Commission regarding this <br />matter. Motion carried. <br />Administrative Assistant Scott Krueger presented a second <br />proposal from International Center, Ltd. for renting the parking lot <br />at the Cass County Annex after 5:00 P.M. and before 7:00 A.M., and <br />they will be responsible for snow removal and insurance. Mr. Eckert <br />moved and Mr. Larson seconded that the County rent parking spaces <br />at the Cass County Annex at the rate of $12.00 per spot on a monthly <br />basis until March 1, 1987, providing this does not interfere with <br />snow removal while the County occupies the property. The motion <br />carried on roll call vote with four members voting "Aye Mr. Sondrall <br />opposing. <br />Scott Krueger reported on a problem with the heating system in <br />the computer center this morning. The architect, engineer and <br />contractors have been called. <br />Discussion was held on pay grade recommendations for County Court <br />Reporters and Court Recorders. The Salary Review Committee <br />recommended a pay grade 10 for Court Reporters and a pay grade 5 for <br />Court Recorders, and Mrs. Stanton feels this is too much difference <br />between the two pay grades. Mr. Larson suggested adopting the pay <br />grade for Court Reporters on an hourly basis depending upon the amount <br />of time spent at court reporting. Mr. Wieland felt this should be <br />a separate issue, and it was placed on the agenda two weeks from today. <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to accept the <br />recommendation of the Salary Review Committee to place the County <br />Court Reporters in a pay grade 10 and the County Court Recorders in <br />a pay grade 5 on the County pay scale. The motion carried on roll <br />call vote with four members voting "Aye Mrs. Stanton opposing. <br />The Chairman reported that he visited with the States Attorney <br />on the possibility of charging an administrative fee for MIDA Bond <br />projects due to the extensive amount of time spent by the States <br />Attorney reading documents before the Chairman can sign them. States <br />Attorney Robert Hoy stated that some municipalities do not charge <br />a fee and some charge a rather large amount, which can be based upon <br />the size of the project. Mr. Wieland suggested charging 1 /20th of <br />1% on the cost of the bonds with a minimum charge of $1,000.00. <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that the following <br />Officer's Reports for September, 1986, be received and filed. Motion <br />carried. <br />Clerk of Court 5,625.00 <br />County Court $34,126.53 <br />Register of Deeds $17,822.80 <br />Sheriff 8,061.07 <br />Veterans Service Officer <br />