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Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert seconded to grant a Raffle <br />Permit to the Canaan Moravian Church of rural Davenport on the date <br />of October 15, 1986. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Larson seconded that a check in the <br />amount of $553.66 from the North Dakota Gaming Commission be placed <br />in a separate check fund in the County Sheriff's Department to be <br />used for the enforcement of the State's gaming laws. On roll call <br />vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Correspondence was received from Robert Campbell, President of <br />the River Oaks Association of Moorhead, MN, regarding the study of <br />a bridge corridor at 32nd Avenue South by the Fargo- Moorhead <br />Metropolitan Council of Governments. Mr. Eckert stated that the <br />County Planning Commission also feels that with the existing bridge <br />near the former Sacred Heart Convent, it does not seem feasible to <br />build another bridge to form a corridor around Fargo. <br />Correspondence was received from Donna Lays, Cass County Social <br />Services, stating that total anticipated receipts were not reduced <br />in the same proportion as the overall budget, and she provided an <br />updated figure. The information was referred to the County Auditor. <br />On motion by Mr. Larson and seconded by Mrs. Stanton, the meeting <br />was adjourned. <br />