County Commission
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The County Auditor received a print -out of Social Services <br />salaries yesterday from Tom Jensen, County Social Services Director. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved suggested that these salaries be reviewed by the <br />Administrative Assistant because there were some changes written in <br />pencil. <br />Mrs. Stanton stated that there are three employees from the <br />Sheriff's Department and one employee from the States Attorney's <br />Office who did not receive a minimum of $30.00 per month raise. Mrs. <br />Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert seconded that Courthouse and Sheriff <br />employees' salaries be approved according to the print -out dated <br />January 21, 1986, with the exception of Dean Wawers, Geraldine Watland, <br />Becky Lindstrom and Florence Bauer, who did not receive a minimum <br />$30.00 per month raise; and excluding the two County Court Reporters. <br />On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Wieland questioned the Commissioners on what procedure to <br />follow for reviewing the salaries of the nine persons excluded today. <br />Mrs. Stanton suggested delaying it for two weeks. Regarding the <br />salaries of the two County Court Reporters, Mrs. Stanton felt that <br />the Commission needs to know how much time is actually spent on court <br />reporting. This will be a major area for the Commission to consider. <br />Mr. Eckert moved that the salaries of the three employees from <br />the Road Department, the three employees from the Sheriff's Department <br />and one employee from the States Attorney's Office be approved <br />according to the print -out dated January 21, 1986. Mrs. Stanton <br />seconded the motion for discussion purposes. Upon roll call vote, <br />the motion failed with Mr. Eckert and Mr. Wieland voting "Aye Mrs. <br />Stanton and Mr. Sondrall voting "No <br />Mr. Sondrall moved that every County employee receive no less <br />than a $30.00 per month increase. Mrs. Stanton seconded the motion <br />for discussion and asked that the two County Court Reporters be <br />excluded. Mr. Sondrall amended the motion that every County employee <br />receive a minimum $30.00 per month increase, except the two County <br />Court Reporters. Mrs. Stanton seconded the amended motion. Upon <br />roll call vote, the motion failed with Mr. Sondrall and Mrs. Stanton <br />voting "Aye Mr. Eckert and Mr. Wieland voting "No <br />Mrs. Stanton made a proposal for elected officials and department <br />heads salaries for 1986. Mr. Wieland stated that he discussed the <br />proposed salaries with them individually, with the exception of the <br />Social Services Director whose pay grade is established by the State. <br />On the proposal for the Sheriff, Mr. Eckert felt that the pay grade <br />should remain at Grade 4 rather than Grade 5, but he did not have <br />a problem with the amount of salary increase. Regarding the proposed <br />increase for the Administrative Assistant, Mr. Eckert stated that <br />he understood the extra money that Scott Krueger received from the <br />Cass County Building Authority was effective April 1, 1985; and he <br />suggested making the salary increase retroactive to April 1 instead <br />of January 1, 1985, as proposed. No increase was proposed for the <br />County Auditor because she receives additional compensation from the <br />State Game and Fish Department for hunting and fishing licenses, but <br />
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