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What is a Historic Overlay District? <br /> <br />The Historic Overlay District is a tool that the City can use to better protect areas, sites, and buildings <br />that meet recognized standards of architectural and historic significm~ce. The districts have design <br />review requirements that exceed regular zoning protection. <br /> <br />One of thc primary msponsibglties of the Fargo Historic Preservation Conunission (HPC) is to <br />administer the provisions of Fargo's Ilistoric Overlay District. Its job is to protect and enhance the <br />resources that give buildings or the district its historic, architectural, or archaeological significance. <br />Stated in Section 20-0305(C) or,he Fargo Land Development Code, the Historic Overlay Dislhct <br />regulations are intended to: <br /> 1. Protect and conserve thc herltage olhbc City <br /> 2. SaFeguard the character and heritage of the historic districts that emhody important <br /> elements of the Ci~'s social, economic, political or architectorA history <br /> 3. Promote conservation of historic resources for the education, pleas~e and cultordi <br /> enrlctunent of residents of the City <br /> 4. Stabilize and enhance proper~y values throughout historic areas, thus con~bnting to the <br /> improvement of the health and welfare of residents m~d visitors <br /> <br />Historic Overlay Districts in Fargo <br />Today, the City Commission has designated one Historic Overlay District in the City of Fargo. It is <br />located in downtown Fargo, m~d can be generally described as thllowing Roberts Streeg between NP <br />and 2~e Avenue North, inclusive of the Gardner Apartments and Federal Courthouse west of Robc'rts. <br /> <br />How are Historic Overlay Districts established? <br />Historic Overlay Dis~cts are established when the City Commission adopts an amendment to the <br />City's zoning map. Any citizen or orgadization can propose the estabfislm~ent of a district, winch may <br />consist of a single prope~y or a group of related properties. <br /> <br />The Historic Preservation Commission will hold a public hearLag on all proposed districts, prior to <br />them being considered by the Planning Commission. Neighboring property owners will also be <br />notified of the proposed distxict creation. The Plmmthg Commission considers the recommendation of <br />the Historic Prcscrvatlon Commission. Final decision is made by the City Commission. <br /> <br />What is the Historic Preservation Commission Review Process? <br />AS reqtdred by the Land Development Code, all applications and plans for properties within a Historic <br />Overlay District, must be submitted to the Historic Preservation Co~ranission ~br review. While the <br />HPC plays an advisory role in the broader development review processes, specific HPC approval is <br />required belbre a permit may be issued within the Historic Overlay District. <br /> <br />First, an appfication for a Certificate of Appropriateness is submirted to the office of Platmthg and <br />Development as stated in the LDC, Section 20-[912. The Historic Preservation CoramJssion w~l <br />review the application, approve or deny, ~e Certificate of Appropriateness and then forwarded to the <br />Planning Conunission and City Conunission for public hearkngs and ffmal action. <br /> <br />The Historic Presetwation Corm~fission reviews plans f~r new developmeut ms well as changes to <br />existing properties within the dlstriet. This is because hnhoric buildings or sites lose their cultoral and <br />aesthetic significance to residents, and economic value to owners if inappropriate ehangns are made to <br />the buildings or their enviromnent. <br /> <br /> <br />