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<br />Commission Minutes--July 1, 2002 2463 <br /> <br />r- <br /> <br />22. JAIL TRANSITION TEAM UPDATE, Update bv Sheriff's Department <br />Walt Willis and Michele Boucher reported on transition team duties in the last month, which <br />include ordering and receiving new equipment, staff training, technical work on computers <br />and base radios, installation of food service equipment, new facility orientation training, policy <br />and procedures training. <br /> <br />Bonnie Johnson, County Coordinator and transition team member, asked for input from the <br />county commissioners on or9anizing a VIP overnight stay and public dedication of the new <br />jail facility. The commission was in agreement to holding the public dedication on August 28, <br />2002, and the VIP overnight mock exercise on August 29,2002. <br /> <br />23. <br /> <br />ABATEMENT APPLICATION, Denied for Orville Iwen <br />Frank Klein, Director of Tax Equalization, provided a report on the investigation of abatement <br />application #4222, submitted by Orville Iwen for property located in Amenia Township. Mr. <br />Klein recommends denying the abatement, and the Amenia Township Board and local <br />assessor concur that the land is fairly assessed compared to surrounding land. <br /> <br />r' <br /> <br />The Amenia Township Board recognizes there are some drainage concerns, however, Mr. <br />Iwen has now rented out the land and the township board would like to see what different <br />farming techniques do for the drainage of the property. This was reported in a letter from <br />Linda M. Sell, Township Clerk, who indicates township officiais told Mr. Iwen, when they met <br />with him on May 22, 2002, to apply for an adjustment to his taxes again next year so he can <br />be heard at their local tax equalization meeting. Mr. Iwen was notified to attend the local tax <br />equaiization meetin9 on April 8, 2002, according to Ms. Sell, but he chose not to attend. <br /> <br />Mr. Klein indicates in his investigation that trap gates have been installed on the culverts <br />running through County Highway 4, and the current farm operator has done some ditching <br />and cleaned out the drain running through the property. A field dike along Highway 18 has <br />also been done, and these steps should help to correct drainage problems. In viewing the <br />soils map, Mr. Klein said the land is basically the same as the neighboring properties. <br /> <br />Mr. Iwen received notice of today's meeting and was present to provide further verbal and <br />written testimony on why he believes the valuation should be reduced. In the abatement <br />application, Mr. Iwen states that the diversion of water from other areas has resulted in <br />accelerating loss of farm crops in the past eight years, and he believes the flooding is not <br />correctible. Mr. Iwen said today that he has made three attempts to get drainage approval, <br />and it has been approved by the State; however, he needs approval of the down-stream <br />landowners, and they have denied it. <br /> <br />r- <br /> <br />Mrs. Sorum said she remembers Mr. Iwen attending a water resource board meeting and <br />asked him if there are gates on the culverts to the north of his property. Mr. Iwen responded <br />that the gates are open and the water runs on his land. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Schneider moved and Mr. Wagner seconded that abatement #4222 <br />for Orville Iwen be denied, as recommended by the Amenia Township <br />Board and the Director of Equalization. Further discussion: Mr. Iwen <br />asked how he was going to raise a crop, and Mr. Wieland said the Board <br />could not answer that. He told Mr. Iwen the board is talking about the <br />abatement application before them today, not about other issues Mr. Iwen <br />
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