County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes--March 4, 2002 2418 <br /> <br />According to Mr. Steiner, microfilming has been completed in all 44 of the participating counties <br />throughout the State of North Dakota. Nine counties chose not to be included in the grant <br />project. He said 33 counties have agreed to help in the long-term funding of the NDRIN project, <br />18 of which have signed the NDRIN Joint Powers Agreement and agreed to contribute $2 per <br />document. Fifteen have agreed to contribute $1 per document to help fund NDRIN. <br /> <br />There are seven registered users for Internet access to the central repository, and Mr. Steiner <br />expects that number to grow to 20-25 users by the end of this year. An advertising brochure <br />was sent to over 600 potential NDRIN subscribers in late December. Revenue from the Internet <br />access, as well as the "document preservation fee" enacted by the State legislature, will help <br />to keep the project self-sufficient, Mr. Steiner said. Mr. Montplaisir said current legislation <br />authorizing the document preservation fee expires June 30, 2005, and the county needs to be <br />mindful of that because these fees need to be continued in order to maintain the project without <br />spending county dollars. <br /> <br />8. JAIL TRANSITION TEAM, UDdate bv County Sheriff <br />Sheriff Don Rudnick reported on the jail transition team activities for the period of February 18- <br />22, according to a list provided by Walt Willis. A number of hours were spent on screening for <br />new hires, which totaled about 400 applications. The number of potential new hires has now <br />been reduced to about 80. The transition team began working full time as of February 25th. <br /> <br />9. ELECTION CONCERNS, City of Grandin aareement <br />Michael Montplaisir, County Auditor, provided some background information on election services <br />and a joint powers agreement for contracting with each of the cities in the county. An original <br />1991 contract called for the cities to pay 75% of the costs of the election board and the county <br />coordinated the city elections with the regular state and county elections. A 1997 revision <br />omitted the 75% cost to cities in exchange for the county designating the polling places. <br />Another change at that time was adding language in the contract regarding city recounts. The <br />City of Grandin, however, has proposed a different contract than the rest of the cities, with the <br />county paying the election expenses, and they want to designate the polling place as the City <br />of Grandin so people do not have to drive to another location in order to vote. <br /> <br />Mr. Montplaisir said Grandin is designated as a polling place in this year's elections, however, <br />there is no guarantee that it will remain in future elections. He said Congress is considering <br />legislation that would require a precinct scanner and a voting device for handicapped citizens <br />in every precinct at a cost of approximately $1 0,000 per precinct. Ifthat is mandated, the county <br />will need to consider consolidating more voting precincts. Cass County now has 66 precincts, <br />which is the largest number, by far, than any other county in the State. He has a list of the <br />number of precincts throughout the State and said five counties have only three voting precincts <br />within their boundaries. <br /> <br />David Blaser, Mayor of the City of Grandin, and Councilman Greg Winterquist were present for <br />today's discussion. Mr. Blaser said the City of Grandin now concurs with signing the same joint <br />powers agreement that other cities in the county have signed since the polling place will remain <br />in Grandin for this year. They requested input in the future if the county is considering a change <br />in their polling location because they would then ask their citizens if they want to pay some of <br />the election expenses to keep a precinct there. Mr. Montplaisir said the county will meet with <br />all of the cities in Cass County if consolidation of voting precincts becomes an issue before the <br />2004 elections. <br />
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