County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes--January 22, 2002 2407 <br /> <br />11. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, Reauest for trainina funds <br />_ Discussion was held with Sheriff Don Rudnick and Jail Administrator Walt Willis concerning <br />funds for direct supervision training of existing jail staff. According to a letter from the Sheriff <br />dated January 9, 2002, direct supervision training is a critical segment of the training agenda, <br />and it was not a part of the consultant's contract. An additional $3,500 is being requested to pay <br />for a qualified instructor to present the eight-day training session, which includes the instructor's <br />travel and per diem expenses. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schneider said she thought one of the staff, Michele Boucher, went to a training class to <br />learn how to train other staff. Sheriff Rudnick said the money requested today is for different <br />training for different staff members. He said it is for a consultant to train the supervisory staff <br />on personnel issues. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Meyer moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded to approve $3,500.00 <br />for a qualified instructor to travel to Cass County and provide two 32- <br />hour training sessions for existing staff on the Principles of Direct <br />Supervision; and that the funding for the $3,500.00 will be paid from <br />the education line item #101-3510-422.57-01 in the 2002 jail budget. <br />On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />12. JAIL PROJECT, Transition team downtime <br />Sheriff Rudnick brought up the jail transition team "down time" schedule after Mr. Wagner visited <br />with him about it. Walt Willis provided a written list of about 15 activities to be completed by the <br />_ transition team, and Sheriff Rudnick said they are working about two days per week at the jail <br />site on items that need to be completed. <br /> <br />Commissioners referenced the December 3, 2001, minutes when the Sheriff last appeared <br />before the board with a revised Cass County Transition Action Plan due to a 12-week delay in <br />the jail construction. Because of this delay, the transition team schedule was adjusted to create <br />a block of "down time" from January 12 to February 25,2002, and a suggestion was made at <br />that time that the board should be updated if any further adjustment was needed. Mr. Wagner <br />said the decision to create "down time" was made at a public meeting and any change from that <br />should also be made known to the public. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schneider said she thought Walt Willis was the only transition team member working atthe <br />new jail during the "down time." She referred to a November 29th letter from Sheriff Rudnick <br />stating the transition team, during the six-week interval, would be reassigned to various duties <br />within the Sheriff's Department, with the exception of one member, Walt Willis, who would <br />relocate to a space in the new jail since the job trailer was being removed from the site. Sheriff <br />Rudnick said he does not have enough work to keep the transition team busy all of the time with <br />other duties so he feels it is important to keep them working on transition duties to get ahead <br />in some areas. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland agreed with Mrs. Schneider that the Commission should have been informed that <br />the transition team was not following the schedule agreed upon at the December 3rd meeting. <br />_ He thought it would involve some dollar savings at the time it was done. Also, he said it was his <br />understanding that the transition team, as a whole, would not be involved with the hiring process <br />but that it would be one or two people. Mr. Willis said he would be the third member from the <br />transition team, if he is involved in the hiring. <br />
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