County Commission
05-02-2005 JNT MTG/W FGO
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5/20/2005 10:46:13 AM
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<br />Commission Minutes-May 2, 2005 2892 <br /> <br />11. CONTRACT APPROVAL, Road projects; City of Farao and the Housing and <br />Redevelopment Authoritv of Fargo; North Dakota Department of Transportation <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wagner moved and Mr. Pawluk seconded to approve the following <br />contracts submitted by respective department head, subject to state's <br />attorney approval, and authorize the chairman to sign contract <br />documents upon receipt: On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />Central Specialties, Inc.-Highway 81 shoulder widening and reshaping from County <br />Road 16 to the county line in the amount of $1,589,018.39; <br />Industrial Builders, Inc.-box culvert over the Sheyenne River north of Horace, on <br />64th Avenue, in the amount of $1 ,035,148.22; <br />Northstar Material, Inc.-bituminous overlay on County Road 22 from Interstate 29 to <br />the Red River in the amount of $711,043.72; <br />lease agreement with City of Fargo and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of <br />the City of Fargo for the radio tower on top of the Fargo High Rise; <br />North Dakota Department of Transportation Amended Traffic Safety Grant, Project <br />No. PHSP1570502-01-03, in the amount of $9,100 and related budget adjustments. <br /> <br />12. ABATEMENT HEARING, Kmart Corporation <br />Frank Klein, County Director of Tax Equalization, provided information on the request for <br />abatement of property taxes submitted by the Kmart Corporation, who is the lessee on two <br />properties in the City of Fargo. Commissioners received information from the City of Fargo <br />Assessment Department and from the applicant's property tax representative, Burr Wolff. <br /> <br />Jeffery King was present from Burr Wolff, representing Kmart Corporation. He said the <br />information provided to the county includes income and expenses, lease history and <br />comparable sales. They believe the valuation for the property located at 2301 South <br />University Drive should be reduced from $3,574,000 to $3,170,400 for the year 2000; and <br />that the valuation of the property located at 4427 13th Avenue South should be reduced from <br />$4,792,000 to $3,409,600 for the year 2000. <br /> <br />Also present were Fargo City Assessor, Ben Hushka, and Mitch Marcuson, from the Fargo <br />Assessment Office. Mr. Hushka addressed the county board on the supporting data which <br />his office provided to the county and the methods his office used to establish the valuations <br />on these two properties. If anything, he said the comparison tests would indicate the <br />assessment department may have been Iowan the valuation, rather than high. <br /> <br />In Mr. Klein's written investigation of the abatement applications, he states the documents <br />provided by J.P. Rand of Burr Wolff contain general information and there is no analysis on <br />how this information supports their contention that the assessment is excessive. He said <br />the income approach consists of one page with no discussion on how the income, expenses <br />and capitalization rate estimates were determined; and there is no cost approach to value. <br />The sales comparison approach amounts to listings of sales; however, Mr. Klein said there <br />is no analysis comparing the sales to the subject property. He concluded the applicant has <br />not shown that the assessment is invalid, inequitable or excessive. <br />
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