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<br />.~ <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />..-. <br /> <br />Commission Minutes--January 2,2001 2231 <br /> <br />the 1997 flood to establish greenways adjacent to the rivers. A county committee consisting of <br />the Tax Assessor, County Auditor, one or two commissioners and Mr. Berndt himself has been <br />discussing possible property acquisitions. Mr. Berndt provided a copy of a letter from the State <br />Emergency Management Director, Douglas Friez, regarding the federal funding guidelines for <br />the purchase of easements under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program in Cass County. <br /> <br />Mr. Berndt said there are other worthwhile benefits to establishing greenways, and funding is <br />not the only hurdle to overcome but certainly is a major consideration. He asked for continued <br />support from the County Commission in pursuing an additional $1.5 million for acquisition of <br />undeveloped river property adjacent to the Red and Wild Rice Rivers. Mr. Meyer commented <br />on the restriction that any land purchased must be land that is platted with infrastructure in <br />place. Mr. Berndt is working with the State Emergency Management Office to request that <br />FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) reconsider some of the funding constraints. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Schneider moved and Mr. Wieland seconded to endorse the <br />continued pursuit of federal funds to acquire river greenway <br />properties and authorize the County Auditor, County Director of <br />Equalization, County Engineer and one Commissioner to develop and <br />submit a plan to the State Division of Emergency Management. <br />Discussion: Warren Solberg, who owns property along the Wild Rice <br />River, addressed the Board and asked about the scope of the study. <br />He questioned if landowners would be asked to voluntarily offer <br />property for the greenway, and Mr. Berndtsaid it is his understanding <br />that offers to buy property would be based on an appraisal of the land <br />and that it would be voluntary on the part of the property owners <br />whether they wish to sell the land. Mr. Solberg expressed concern <br />about the southside dike project, which has been discussed since the <br />1997 flood, and he wants to be kept informed of the discussions and <br />any motions by the County Commission on this topic. Mr. Wieland <br />suggested expanding the proposed greenway committee to include <br />a landowner along the river, and he welcomed Mr. Solberg to the <br />committee. Mr. Solberg, however, was concerned about his own time <br />constraints and was not willing to make the commitment at this time. <br />Mrs. Schneider said she is willing to include in the above motion that <br />a citizen, to be named later and who owns land along the river, be <br />appointed to the study committee. Jeannette Stanton, Fargo, said the <br />people in the audience do not know what a greenway involves and <br />with two new commissioners on the board, she suggested getting <br />further information and voting on this at another meeting. Mr. <br />Wieland said the purpose of the committee is to gather additional <br />information. The county is not making any commitment at this time, <br />however, if a plan is formulated by the proposed committee, the full <br />Commission would need to consider it and vote on a plan at that time. <br />Mrs. Stanton said more people are needed on the committee and <br />suggested three citizens who own land along the river. Mr. Wieland <br />said he would not oppose that number. Mrs. Schneider said if any <br />other government entities should be involved in this process, the <br />committee chair could make that determination. The Chairman <br />
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