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<br />Commission Minutes--May 15, 2000 2125 <br /> <br />Mr. Klein said the City of Arthur denied the abatement requests because they felt the <br />assessment was correct and the appraisal did not show any inequity. Mr. Wieland said he <br />reviewed the appraisal, and he is familiar with the property in Hunter that was used as a <br />comparable. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs. Quick seconded that Abatement #4162 <br />and #4163 for Irene M. Hanson be denied, as the applicant has not <br />shown that the assessment is invalid, inequitable or unjust. On roll <br />call vote, motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />15. REGISTER OF DEEDS, Disaster-proofing pilot proiect update <br />Mike Steiner, High Plains Technology, and consultant for the Register of Deeds pilot project for <br />disaster-proofing records, was present to update the County Commission on the project. He <br />provided a written status report dated May 15, 2000. <br /> <br />Mr. Steiner said the project, which consists of creating a central-site electronic data repository <br />and microfilming existing land records, is progressing as planned and is on schedule to be <br />completed before May 31, 2001. Forty-four counties in the state are participating in the <br />microfilming process, which is being done by Professional Microfilming Services, Inc. The <br />remaining nine counties in the State declined to participate even though there was no cost to <br />them. The project is funded by a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant <br />through the hazard mitigation program. <br /> <br />16. FLOOD STUDY AND MAPPING, Public hearing and revised funding plan <br />Keith Berndt, County Engineer, requested authorization to increase Cass County's financial <br />participation to $77,000 for the flood study and mapping of southern Cass County. In March, <br />1999, the County Commission agreed to participate in the project to collect detailed <br />topographic/aerial photography for use as part of a flood insurance restudy. At the time, it was <br />anticipated that the $290,000 project would be funded as follows: $161,000 from the <br />International Joint Commission (IJC); $45,000 from the North Dakota State Water Commission, <br />$42,000 from the City of Fargo and $42,000 from Cass County. The City of Fargo is now being <br />asked to contribute $77,000 also. <br /> <br />The International Joint Commission did not receive enough congressional funding authorization <br />to participate in the project, however, the State Water Commission has committed to increase <br />their funding to $94,500; and the City of Fargo has agreed to increase their share to $77,000. <br />Mr. Berndt proposed using unspent funds from the original Cass County Housing and Urban <br />Development (HUD) grant for Cass County's $77,000 share. These three entities would then <br />be paying the total project cost of $248,500, which is less than originally anticipated. <br /> <br />A public hearing was suggested by Mr. Berndt to receive citizen input on the proposed use of <br />$77,000 in HUD Community Development Block Grant Funds forthis project. Mr. Meyer opened <br />the public hearing, which was advertised on the agenda for this date and time. No one asked <br />to address the Board on this item, and the public hearing was closed. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs. Quick seconded to authorize the County <br />Engineer to proceed with southern Cass County flood study and <br />