County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes--October 1, 2004 <br /> <br />2802 <br /> <br />10. ORDINANCE DRAFT, State's Attorney to pursue overweiÇlht vehicle enforcement <br />Birch Burdick, State's Attorney, was asked to draft a proposed ordinance with respect to <br />overweight vehicles on county highways. Commissioners were in agreement that he should <br />pursue making a formal request of the presiding judge of District Court to determine if they <br />would enforce such an ordinance. Mr. Burdick would then meet with a committee, which the <br />board appointed on September 7, 2004, to begin discussing a draft ordinance. <br /> <br />11. JAIL INMATES, Sheriff requests restroom in courthouse basement holdinÇl area <br />Glenn Ellingsberg, Chief Deputy/Jail Administrator, was present regarding a letter from <br />Sheriff Don Rudnick dated September 17, 2004 requesting the installation of a restroom in <br />the prisoner holding area in the courthouse basement. Sheriff Rudnick arrived later. <br /> <br />Mr. Ellingsberg said the restroom is necessary because the inmate holding area was <br />approved as a temporary measure until a west addition could be constructed for the courts <br />where the old jail was located. Since that process is taking longer than expected, he is <br />suggesting the basement restroom to eliminate inmates planning to make contact with a <br />member of the public when using a restroom near the courts. <br /> <br />The Sheriff's letter includes a bid estimate from Grant's Mechanical for an amount not to <br />exceed $7,256 for a unisex restroom with porcelain fixtures and standard hardware. A <br />subsequent proposal was received through the county maintenance department, according <br />to Mr. Ellingsberg. <br /> <br />Mr. Meyer said this topic never came up during budget sessions this fall, and he wondered if <br />funds for the project are contained in the jailor sheriff's budget. Mr. Ellingsberg did not <br />believe funds were available in the sheriff's budget; however, he suggested using the new <br />building fund since this is an outreach of that project. He said he will work with the auditor <br />to see if funds are available this year. <br /> <br />Also, Mr. Meyer is concerned about inmate damage because of the history of vandalism of <br />toilets in the old and the new jail. He asked Mr. Ellingsberg to instruct corrections officers to <br />inspect the restroom daily for security issues and have inmates clean the restroom daily as <br />a possible deterrent to vandalism. Mr. Ellingsberg said his staff has the ability to identify an <br />inmate should they cause damage to the property because they are closely supervised at all <br />times. He said staff will be required to inspect the restroom after each use to be sure <br />nothing is left in there, and inmates or staff will clean the restroom daily. Inmate workers <br />from the jail could be brought over periodically to clean it more thoroughly, he said. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo referred to commission minutes of April 7, 2003 when the sheriff requested <br />moving the prisoner holding area to the basement. Mr. Vanyo requested clarification of the <br />cost difference since the restroom at that time was estimated at $2,000. Mr. Ellingsberg <br />said that estimate was only for the fixtures because they thought the plumbing connections <br />were available since the area was previously used as a break room and cafeteria. <br />However, they learned additional piping is needed to install a restroom there. <br /> <br />Of the two cost estimates received this time, Mr. Wagner encouraged quality of construction <br />and materials. He was also concerned about the potential for an inmate to intentionally plug <br />a toilet and cause flooding, which could damage telephone lines and equipment located in <br />
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