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Commission Minutes—July 21, 2014 4330 <br /> provide all information automatically without staff intervention 24/7. <br /> Discussion: Mrs. Scherling asked about the term of the contract with <br /> Securus. Captain Frobig said it runs through September 2015. Mrs. <br /> Scherling asked about the reduction in calls answered by a staff person. <br /> Captain Frobig said the general published phone number will be part of <br /> the automated system—staff will still receive calls to their direct lines. <br /> Mr. Bennett suggested the focus be on reducing the cost of inmate call <br /> rates. Sheriff Laney said his office is not in the phone business to make <br /> money; however, the county needs to be able to track and record inmate <br /> phone calls, which costs money to administer. Sheriff Laney said dollars <br /> that are generated go back into programs for the inmates; otherwise, the <br /> costs for the programs would need to be paid through the general fund. <br /> On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> 9. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Joint powers agreement with Minnesota Department of <br /> Corrections <br /> Captain Frobig discussed a joint powers agreement between the Cass County Sheriff's <br /> Office and Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) to provide security coverage for <br /> DOC inmates on warrant status that need in-patient care at hospitals in Fargo, North <br /> Dakota. Cass County will be paid $47 per hour per deputy for the service. He said the <br /> agreement formalizes a process that is already in place. <br /> Mrs. Scherling asked if Prairie St. John's would fall under this agreement. Captain Frobig <br /> was unsure and said he will find the answer to the question. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Vanyo moved and Mrs. Scherling seconded to authorize the chairman <br /> to sign the Joint Powers Agreement for FY15-FY16 for security coverage <br /> to be provided by the Cass County Sheriffs Office for Minnesota <br /> Department of Corrections offenders on warrant status that require in- <br /> patient care at Fargo, North Dakota hospitals. On roll call vote, the <br /> motion carried unanimously. <br /> 10. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Contract approved with Pro-West & Associates for tax <br /> parcel fabric migration services <br /> Terry Schmaltz, Information Technology Director, and Kay Anderson, GIS Coordinator, were <br /> present to discuss a contract for GIS consulting services with Pro-West & Associates, Inc. <br /> Mrs. Anderson said the services provided by Pro-West will migrate existing tax parcel data <br /> including parcel fabric, a new method to manage parcel information, to an integrated model. <br /> The cost for the service is included in the 2014 budget and will assist to reduce errors and <br /> increase work flow. The project will involve a pilot area phase, migration phase and <br /> programming services to transfer the data and integrate it with existing processes. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Bennett moved and Mrs. Scherling seconded to authorize the <br /> chairman to sign a contract with Pro-West & Associates, Inc. in the <br /> amount of$16,026.88 for tax parcel fabric migration services. On roll call <br /> vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />