3. Feasiblity study for juvenile detention/alternative holding facility
County Commission
Regular agenda
3. Feasiblity study for juvenile detention/alternative holding facility
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3/12/2014 11:22:46 AM
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3/12/2014 11:20:54 AM
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(Performance Based Standards)performance outcome reports,that our residents spend way too <br /> much time in their rooms. The national goal for Juvenile Detention centers is to only have them <br /> in their rooms during sleeping times or for disciplinary reasons as necessary. In order to <br /> accomplish this goal,plus maintain security by keeping genders separate, we will need to have 2 <br /> separate areas where both males and females can be out of their rooms at the same time, while <br /> being monitored by staff. These areas would be ACA compliant, as well as compliant with state <br /> requirements regarding natural light. The staff station should be open to both sides, with no <br /> partition between Staff and residents. We would require 4-5 "secure cells" (individual cells, one <br /> of these being a"padded cell"used for uncooperative juveniles) on each of the male and female <br /> sides, but the majority of the residents would be able to sleep in a dorm setting (one for boys, one <br /> for girls), with shared sinks, toilets, and shower facilities. This would cut down the cost of <br /> putting a sink/toilet combination in every room, and is better for the residents to be all together <br /> instead of locked in a room by themselves. Also included off the living space: a staff bathroom; <br /> recreation room (indoor or outdoor recreation); office space for two to three Supervisors <br /> equipped with a desktop computer for each station and printer capable of faxing and scanning; <br /> and 2 to 3 conference rooms, which would serve the purposes of medical, ITV for court hearings, <br /> and programs. We would also like a small kitchen, equipped with refrigerator, counter space, <br /> sink, and oven/stove, which can be used for programs with the residents. <br /> The Booking area of Detention should flow from the sally port, to maximize efficiency, and <br /> should have 3 "transfer cells" from the sally port into Booking, for uncooperative juveniles: 2 <br /> rooms with sink/toilet combination, and the other a"padded cell" (modeled after the one in the <br /> Jail's booking room). In our current facility, Arresting Officers have to bring uncooperative <br /> juveniles 75 feet from their car to the Detention door, then another approximate 50-75 feet <br />
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