3. Feasiblity study for juvenile detention/alternative holding facility
County Commission
Regular agenda
3. Feasiblity study for juvenile detention/alternative holding facility
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3/12/2014 11:22:46 AM
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3/12/2014 11:20:54 AM
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also be utilized as a briefing room before each patrol shift. Currently the Cass County Sheriff's <br /> Office does not brief the night staff on day calls or the day staff on night calls. The information <br /> is available on the computer; however, it is up to each individual to get the current information. <br /> The patrol staff is also provided important notifications by email. It is much more effective to <br /> see the staff and provide this information personally. The space could also be utilized during <br /> media press releases and during emergency disasters or critical incidents. <br /> While creating a modern functioning training facility and reducing costs it would also be <br /> beneficial to have space for the training officer. The natural fit for the training officer would be <br /> in this facility. The Cass County Sheriff's Office has a training officer at the law enforcement <br /> training academy located at 2802 North University Drive, in Fargo. The training officer is <br /> isolated from the rest of the Sheriff's Office. This is not efficient. The individual identifying <br /> and organizing the training is not near the majority of the individuals attending training. The <br /> current training arrangement creates a training barrier in communication and organization. This <br /> space would provide the training officer an office near the patrol staff, investigations staff and <br /> jail staff which is the majority of Cass County Sheriff's Office employees needing training. <br /> The new structure should provide a modern evidence room. The current evidence room is in the <br /> basement of the Courthouse. The basement is not an appropriate place for evidence. Evidence <br /> including firearms packaged and stored to the best of Cass County Sheriff's Office's ability rust <br /> in the ever changing climate of the basement. It is impossible to have consistent temperature and <br /> humidity control in a basement evidence room. At some point, it is inevitable that the Sheriff's <br /> Office will pay for damages caused to someone's property stored in the Cass County Sheriff's <br /> Office evidence room. The majority of all Cass County evidence is seized by the patrol and <br /> investigations unit. The perfect situation is to provide an evidence room in the new structure but, <br />
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