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<br />Commission Minutes-August 16, 2004 <br /> <br />2776 <br /> <br />12. RESOLUTION #2004-8, Metropolitan Council of Governments transportation plan <br />Robert Bright, Executive Director of the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of <br />Governments (COG), was present, along with Richard Lane, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. <br />concerning a draft of the area's short and long-range transportation plan. Also present were <br />Keith Berndt, County Engineer, and Mike Zimney, County Planner. <br /> <br />Mr. Lane said an update of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan is required every five years <br />according to federal regulations, and projects would not be eligible for federal funding <br />without this plan. Mr. Lane reviewed potential future transportation improvement projects for <br />short range (2004-2010) and for long range (2011-2030). The transportation plan includes <br />population projections to 2030, as compiled by Dr. Richard Rathge, Sate Demographer at <br />NDSU. <br /> <br />Mr. Berndt has reviewed the plan and found the list of Cass County's future transportation <br />improvement projects to be accurate. Mr. Zimney forwarded a suggested resolution for the <br />county commission to consider. The Cass County Planning Commission received a draft of <br />the plan on July 22, 2004, and approved it for forwarding to the County Commission. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wagner moved and Mr. Bennett seconded to approve Resolution <br />#2004-8 relating to the Metropolitan Council of Government's short and <br />long-range transportation plan for the Fargo-Moorhead area for the years <br />2004-2030. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />13. ELECTIONS, Establish early votina precinct <br />Heather Worden, Auditor's Office, was present representing County Auditor Mike <br />Montplaisir, who was unable to attend today's meeting. Commissioners received a letter <br />from Mr. Montplaisir dated August 10, 2004, requesting authorization to establish an early <br />voting precinct in the Commission Room at the Courthouse from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM on <br />October 19 through November 1, 2004. <br /> <br />Mrs. Worden said the early voting precinct would require five election workers and six ballot <br />scanners; and the purpose would be to reduce the amount of time and paperwork involved <br />in the absentee voting process. For the voters, their ballots will be counted immediately and <br />second chance voting could take place if a ballot was not filled out properly. Absentee <br />voting will still be done in the Auditor's Office prior to setting up the early voting precinct and <br />for applications received by mail. Mr. Montplaisir indicated in his letter that 6,000-7,000 <br />absent voter ballots are handled by the Auditor's Office in the weeks before the general <br />election. <br /> <br />Mrs. Sorum said she would be concerned about authorizing the early voting precinct in the <br />Commission Room through November 1st since that is the day of a regularly scheduled <br />Cass County Commission meeting. Commissioners were not in favor of moving elsewhere <br />to hold their regular meeting because of technical equipment and the confusion for citizens <br />wishing to attend the meeting. <br />