County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes--August 2, 2004 <br /> <br />2763 <br /> <br />Birch Burdick, State's Attorney, said he assigned Mr. Myers to prepare the proposed <br />ordinances. Mr. Myers met with Myron Berglund, from Fargo Cass Public Health, Mr. <br />Bennett and a representative from the City of Kindred. A representative from the City of <br />Casselton was also invited to participate in the discussion, but apparently was unable to <br />attend. At the time, those were the only two cities in Cass County known to have public <br />swimming pools. <br /> <br />Mr. Berglund was present today, as well as Mary Kay Hermann, Director of Fargo Cass <br />Public Health. Mrs. Sorum said the swimming pool ordinance references residential pools, <br />and Mr. Berglund said residential pools are included because of fencing requirements. He <br />said routine sampling would not be required on private pools; however, they would like to be <br />able to monitor a private pool that becomes a neighborhood pool for the health and safety of <br />those using it. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner asked for clarification on jurisdiction issues, and Mr. Burdick said it may be <br />appropriate to explore this question more fully. Mr. Myers said the City of Kindred <br />concurred with the ordinance and felt having their pool regulated would afford them some <br />liability protection. Mr. Wagner said he believes it would be appropriate for the county to <br />work with other jurisdictions that have their own elected boards in adopting an ordinance <br />similar to that of Cass County, Fargo and West Fargo. <br /> <br />Mr. Bennett said the county commission may need to establish a fee structure and <br />inspection timetable; and to suggest any modifications to the ordinances which they feel <br />may be necessary. He said he was uncertain if any motion is needed today because he did <br />not feel the current ordinance draft is ready for publication. Bonnie Johnson, County <br />Coordinator, said the publication between the first and second reading is a summary of the <br />ordinance, and not the full document. Mr. Bennett said he would then be satisfied to move <br />forward today; however, the ordinance may not be ready for adoption on September 7th. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Mr. Meyer seconded to approve first reading of <br />Ordinance #2004-- (Swimming Pool Regulation); and to schedule the <br />second reading and adoption for September 7,2004, allowing time for <br />publishing a summary of the ordinance in the official newspaper at least <br />20 days between the first and second reading. On roll call vote, the <br />motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />16. ORDINANCE #2004-_, First readina on reaulation of body art establishments <br />Mr. Bennett said separate regulations would be enacted under the proposed body art <br />ordinance, and those regulations would include licensing of mobile body art establishments. <br />Also, he believes it is imperative to require that anyone below 18 years of age needs <br />parental permission before receiving tattoos or body piercing. <br /> <br />Mr. Burdick said it is important for the commission to recognize the distinction between <br />these two ordinances. He said the swimming pool ordinance does not have criminal <br />ramifications; however, the ordinance regulating body art establishments does. <br />
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