County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes--August 2, 2004 <br /> <br />2762 <br /> <br />As chairwoman of the Vector/Weed Building Subcommittee, Mrs. Sorum said she had <br />requested a less expensive building option for staff and chemical storage. Today's option <br />#3 for $186,144 does not include space for employees, and she did not anticipate continued <br />use of the current temporary office space. She said she believes spending $800,000 for a <br />building to house a temporary, seasonal program is extreme. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo asked if the building subcommittee had reached a consensus with regard to a <br />recommendation on these options; and Mrs. Sorum said the committee did not reach an <br />agreement on what is needed for the program. Mr. Bennett, who also served on the <br />building subcommittee, said Mr. Stroh is here today for a progress report and the committee <br />had not previously discussed these options. <br /> <br />Mr. Meyer said he would like to see both the vector and weed offices completely separate <br />from the Highway Department. Mr. Wagner said the county commission needs to look at <br />short and long-term expenses so the program will not cost the taxpayers more in the future <br />if changes are necessary. <br /> <br />With no objections from other board members, Mrs. Sorum requested a fourth option from <br />the architect. Mr. Stroh said he will continue to work on the project, and Mrs. Sorum <br />suggested that the building subcommittee meet again to discuss the 4th option. <br /> <br />13. WEED CONTROL, Report on summer weed sprayina proaram <br />Stanley Wolf, Cass County Weed Control Officer, updated the commission on the summer <br />weed spraying program. He said two contractors have been hired, and nearly 700 miles of <br />road right of way have been sprayed. He talked about the flea beetle population, used to <br />control leafy spurge; and he said traditional chemicals have been used up to this point and <br />there has been good success along Interstate 94. Township roads will be targeted this fall, <br />according to Mr. Wolf. <br /> <br />14. VECTOR CONTROL, Report on vector control proaram <br />Angela Balint, Cass County Vector Control Director, updated the commission on the vector <br />control program. She said the program is based on an integrated pest management <br />system, which involves surveillance, adulticiding and larviciding. She explained each of the <br />three steps and talked about the amount of chemical used so far this year and the number <br />of times various areas have been sprayed. The surveillance portion of the program includes <br />participation in a State-wide West Nile Virus program with the North Dakota Department of <br />Health and the Centers for Disease Control. <br /> <br />15. ORDINANCE #2004-_, First readina on reaulation of swimmina pools <br />At the July 6, 2004, Cass County Commission meeting, Mr. Bennett said the board heard <br />the Fargo Cass Public Health Agency representatives recommend that Cass County adopt <br />ordinances and regulations for public swimming pools and body art establishments in the <br />county. Today was scheduled for first reading of proposed ordinances, patterned after the <br />Cities of Fargo and West Fargo's, and drafted by Earl "Bud" Myers, Assistant Cass County <br />State's Attorney. The first ordinance pertains to the regulation of swimming pools. <br />
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