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<br />Road Advisory Minutes-February 19, 2008 <br /> <br />ROAD ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />FEBRUARY 19, 2008-1 :05 PM <br /> <br />1. MEETING TO ORDER <br />Commissioner Vern Bennett called a meeting of the Road Advisory Committee to order <br />at 1 :05 PM on Tuesday, February 19, 2008, in the Commission Room, Cass County <br />Courthouse. Members were present as follows: Vern Bennett, Ken Pawluk, Robyn <br />Sorum, Scott Wagner, Darrell Vanyo, Keith Berndt, Rich Sieg, Jurgen Suhr, Mark <br />Johnson and Scott Saewert. Also present were Chief Deputy Jim Thoreson, Cass <br />County Sheriff's Department and Tom Soucy, Cass County Highway Department. <br /> <br />2. CASS COUNTY HIGHWAY 17 AND HIGHWAY 6, Discussion and action reaardina <br />reaardina alternatives for intersection <br />Mr. Berndt said in April and December of 2007 the committee discussed alternatives for <br />the intersection of Cass County Highway 17 and Cass County Highway 6 (52nd Avenue <br />South). He stated that a decision needs to be made as to whether a conventional <br />intersection or a roundabout would best serve the traffic needs and safety at the <br />intersection. A roundabout would accommodate large agricultural equipment if built <br />properly. Snow and ice would be an issue as with any intersection, resulting in an <br />increased accident rate. Constructing a roundabout to handle two-lane traffic would not <br />accommodate increased traffic volume in the future. Therefore, the roundabout would <br />need to be reconstructed to the west to align the intersection and accommodate larger <br />traffic volume. <br /> <br />Rick Lane and Eric Bach, SRF Consulting presented an analysis of traffic flow charts <br />compiled from a study they did on the intersection. Mr. Lane stated a roundabout has <br />many benefits including: increased traffic capacity; reduced traffic noise and fuel use <br />due to continual traffic flow; a conventional intersection has 32 conflict points compared <br />to 8 in a roundabout; reduced t-bone and severe intersection accidents. A negative <br />point regarding a roundabout would be the delay of north/south traffic due to higher <br />traffic volume; lower traffic volume would benefit east/west traffic. Projections show <br />traffic volume reaching capacity for a two-lane roundabout in 2025. <br /> <br />Mr. Bach said the cost of a conventional intersection is approximately $180,000, plus <br />$160,000 for signal lights. Total roundabout cost estimate is $240,000. <br /> <br />Mr. Berndt has started the process to purchase right-of-way property for future <br />expansion of the road which would also allow for the alignment of the intersections. As <br />traffic volume increases the bridge will also need to be replaced or widened. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner expressed the opportunity for a public information meeting as many people <br />do not have knowledge of a roundabout. Mr. Berndt said that if a decision to proceed <br />with a roundabout is made he would recommend a public information meeting <br /> <br />Chief Deputy Thoreson questioned how the roundabout would affect current speed limits <br />and other intersections that are controlled by signal lights. Mr. Lane replied the <br />recommendation would be to extend slower speed limits to help traffic transition to and <br />from the roundabout and to use roundabout for continuity on intersections as expansion <br />continues. <br />