04-02-2007 Minutes
Road Advisory Committee
04-02-2007 Minutes
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<br />Road Advisory Minutes-April 3, 2007 1 <br /> <br />ROAD ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />APRIL 2, 2007 1 :00 PM <br /> <br />1. MEETING TO ORDER <br />Commissioner Darrell Vanyo called a meeting of the Road Advisory Committee to order at <br />1 :00 PM on Monday, April 2, 2007, in the Commission Room, Cass County Courthouse. <br />Members were present as follows: Vern Bennett, Darrell Vanyo, Scott Wagner, Ken Pawluk, <br />Robyn Sorum, Keith Berndt, Rich Sieg, Jurgen Suhr and Scott Saewert. Mark Johnson was <br />absent. <br /> <br />2. PROPOSED REVISION TO 2007 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, Revised, Approved <br />Mr. Berndt stated that a number of developments in the 2007 proposed road construction <br />projects have resulted in revising the plan. The original 2007 construction plan and budget <br />included the following: 1) Cass County 17 improvements for $2.75 million; 2) Cass County <br />26 overlay using $460,000 in local funds and $1.84 million in federal funds; 3) Cass County 7 <br />Maple River Bridge $150,000 local funds and $480,000 expected in federal funds. Due to a <br />lack of federal funds Cass County will not be eligible for an advance of 2008 allocations. The <br />number of right of way parcels needed for the Cass County 17 project were underestimated, <br />therefore; making the 2007 construction impractical without cutting the project scope. As a <br />result Mr. Berndt is proposing the following project revisions: 1) delay Cass County 17 <br />improvements and associated Cass County 6 overlay until 2008; 2) use $800,000 surplus in <br />local funds to cover the shortfall of federal funds for the County 26 overlay; 3) proceed with <br />Cass County 26 Red River Bridge in 2007 including approach road improvements (project <br />will carry into 2008 season); 4) add Cass County 10 overlay from Tower City to Buffalo to <br />2007 program. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wagner moved and Mr. Suhr seconded to authorize <br />the county engineer to defer Cass 17 improvements to <br />2008; proceed with Cass 26 bridge in 2007 and 2008; <br />proceed with Cass 10 overlay between Tower City and <br />Buffalo. Discussion: Mr. Pawluk questioned why the <br />overlay on Cass 26 could not be postponed. Mr. Berndt <br />responded that the list for future road construction and <br />repairs is quite lengthy. He is open to suggestions if a <br />committee member knows of another road in worse need <br />of an overlay. Mr. Wagner stated that if roads are not <br />maintained on a regular basis that maintenance costs <br />increase four to five times. Mr. Berndt commented <br />because of revenue shortages the maintenance plan is <br />barely holding its own and may even be falling behind. <br />On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />3. CASS COUNTY 17 PROJECT UPDATE, Information. Approved <br />Mr. Berndt discussed plans for improvements on Cass County 17 and the Cass 17 / 52nd <br />Avenue intersection. Plans include an overlay and intersection improvements. The <br />intersection legs are not aligned and there are right of way issues. Mr. Berndt would like to <br />do a cost and design analysis for a round about intersection. <br />
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