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<br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA <br /> <br />6160 <br /> <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to authorize Tom Jensen, County Social <br />Services Director, to hire an Administrative Secretary II for a period of 90 days to temporarily <br />replace a County Social Services employee who will be on Military leave of absence. On roll call <br />vote, the motion carried with all members present voting "Aye". <br /> <br />Soc. Servo Director <br />auth. to hire staff <br />replacement <br /> <br />Committee reports were given. Mr. Sondrall reported that a mobile unit has been donated to <br />law enforcement agencies for use during disaster emergency situations. <br /> <br />On motion by Mr. Larson and seconded by Mr. Eckert, the meeting was adjourned. <br /> <br />Disaster Emergency; <br />s ituations--mobile <br />unit donated <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />, <br />(1/ <br />C /j' c;~:e-~ <br /> <br />~":/ <br />, -<\'1// /;> /' <br />> '--'" ~ - ,--.- L- "-.~ t-<.- <br /> <br />]::~~, <br /> <br />Ordelle Brua, County Auditor <br />Cass County, North Dakota <br /> <br />Jeannette Stanton, Chairman <br />Cass County Board of Commissioners <br /> <br />REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br /> <br />MAY 1, 1981! <br /> <br />Chairman Stanton called the meeting to, order and upon roll cail, all members were present. <br /> <br />Mr. Larso~l moved arid Mr. Eckert seconded that the minutes of the orevious meeting be <br />approvec as written. Motion carried. . <br /> <br />Upon the I'ecommendation of tl1.:: G:unty Road Supel"intendent, Mr. Larson moved and <br />Mr. Eck"rt seconded that the Ch;:;irman and the County Auditor be CluthQri:n~d to sign thf' <br />resolution awarding the low bid of Swingen Cqnstruction Company in thO) amount of $12.4,062..00 <br />for the bridge replucement project in Se-ctions 14-23, Noble Township. On roll call vote, the <br />motion carried unailimousl'f. <br /> <br />Bridge replacement <br />in Sec. 14-23, Noble <br />Twp. awarded to <br />Swingen Constr. Co. <br /> <br />Steve Grindberg, County Road Superintenaent, reported on several break-ups on County <br />road StAr-faces ;md he !iuggested Imvcring the w~ight restrictions in these ar~as. MI". Eckert <br />moved ulld rv.r. Sondrall seconded te zuthorize Mr. Grindberg to lower the weight restrictions on <br />County Road 6 between Chaffee and Lynchburg, on Cou,,"ty Road 6 from Alice to the Burnes <br />County line and on County Road 4 from State Highway 18 to County Road 11. On roll call vote, <br />the motion carried unanimcusly. <br /> <br />Spring road restric- <br />tions lowered in 3 <br />j<lreas due to break- <br />lup of Co. roads <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland reported that the Red River Joint Water Manasement Board is t"ec,llesting office <br />space for a hydrolc>gic engineer fl'G!II the Stc:te Water Commission to be based in Cass County. <br />He suggested leasing an office that would be available at the County Road Department plus use <br />of a conference room if it is not being used by the Road Department. Robert Hoy, States <br />Attorney, did not see any problem with the County leusing office space under thes~, <br />circumstance~. ;',1r. Wieland moved and Mr. Larson seconded to authorize the lease of Road <br />Department office space ;01" a hydrologic engineer. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />Red River Joint <br />Water Mgmt. Board <br />requesting office spce <br />at Rd. Dept. for St. <br />hydrologic engineer <br /> <br />Mr. Sondrull requested Mr,. Grindberg to investigate some ground staldng on County <br />Road 31 in the urea of the City of North Ri"./er, ,md to contact (vir. Emerson l-iarris. <br /> <br />Rd. Supt. to i nvesti. <br />ground staking <br /> <br />Scott Krueger, Administrative Assistant, reported that he was unable to find any <br />informatbn on the condition of the Jai! roof at the timE 'Jf the Jail Restoration Project. He spoke <br />to the ,r,rchit..Jcl. on tl1ut project, H<:rry Halvorson; and he indicated that no study Vji.J5 made on <br />the roof at the time of tl10 restorution. Mr. Halvorson stated that he IVou!d lik.) ;HI opportunity <br />to review the building and submit a proposal for the roof repair. The Commission received an <br />estimate from !.I'chiiects Clark HDlman and Moorhead in the amount of $56,900.00 to repair the <br />roof strLicture on theCUS5 County Jan. <br /> <br />Jail roof discussed-- <br />no report found on <br />condition of roof at <br />the time the jail was <br />restored <br /> <br />Last week the Commission requested an opinion from the States Attorney on whether <br />Emergency Fund monies could be utilized for the repair of the Jail roof. A written opinion was <br />received ','ror.l ,V,r. Hoy st<ltit'lg that emergency funds can be utilized for the repair of county <br />property which has been damaged primarily by nc;turilll elements acting upon the aging <br />structul'.;) . <br /> <br />St. Atty. opinion <br />that Emergency Fund <br />monies can be used <br />for repairing Jail <br />roof <br /> <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to declare that an emergency situation exists <br />and to proce<::c) with the bidudv'ertisement fer repairing the Jail roof. However, the motion, and <br />second' 'JHJre witi1dr-awn untiJ. the States ,Aitcrney can determine. if the Commission could 1lccept <br />informed bids for the roof repair' due t.: the amount of time required for the formal bidding <br />process. <br /> <br />Jail roof repair--delay' <br />until StCltes Atty. con ' <br />determine if Comm. <br />could accept informc:1 <br />'bids <br /> <br />Mr. Krueger reported that his final presentation on the proposed County road mill levy <br />will be completed "t the end of this week and he asl~ed for direction from the Commission on <br />where to begin explaining the program to the public. The Commission suggested that ha appear <br />before the Fargo City Commission and the West Fargo City Commission next week if possible. <br /> <br />Adm. Asst. reports <br />on final presentution <br />for proposed Co. <br />road mill levy <br /> <br /> <br />