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<br />Road Advisory Minutes-November 20, 2006 <br /> <br />ROAD ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />NOVEMBER 20, 2006--2:05 PM <br /> <br />1. MEETING TO ORDER <br />Commissioner Robyn Sorum called a meeting of the Road Advisory Committee to order at <br />2:05 PM on Monday, November 20, 2006, in the Commission Room, Cass County <br />Courthouse. Members were present as follows: Vern Bennett, Darrell Vanyo, Scott Wagner, <br />Ken Pawluk, Robyn Sorum, Keith Berndt, Rich Sieg, Jurgen Suhr and Scott Sa ewert, who <br />was appointed to replace Dennis Rust. Mark Johnson was absent. <br /> <br />2. TURNOVER OF COUNTY HIGHWAYS TO CITIES OF FARGO AND WEST FARGO, <br />Revised. Approved <br />Mr. Berndt distributed a handout and draft policy to committee members regarding county <br />highways in incorporated cities. Examples were presented of Minnesota counties that retain <br />jurisdiction of county highways in municipalities that meet functional class and other criteria. <br />He said the advantage of turning county highways over to cities with populations over 5,000 <br />would be county cost savings. The disadvantage would be, that it may jeopardize the <br />continuity of the highway system. He said the committee needs to address the policy and <br />decide if the county wishes to turn over or retain county highways in cities with populations <br />over 5,000. He stated there may be instances that would be appropriate for the county to <br />maintain jurisdiction of arterial highways that have larger area significance. He said the draft <br />policy states the county will maintain county highways running through or adjacent to cities <br />with populations of less than 5,000. County highways running through or adjacent to cities <br />with populations greater than 5,000 will be turned over to the respective cities. Mr. Bennett <br />questioned the loss of county revenue by turning roadways over to cities. Mr. Berndt <br />explained that annexation would cause a slight loss of revenues. Mr. Pawluk questioned <br />whether county highways should be maintained by the county and used as expressways. <br />Mr. Vanyo recommended the policy include a clause which would forewarn cities that within a <br />certain time after annexation roads would be turned over to the city. He suggested language <br />stating that county highways within cities larger than 5,000 people should be targeted for <br />turnover within two years following annexation. This would allow cities time to budget <br />accordingly and allow all circumstances to be considered. Mr. Pawluk stated when cities <br />annex there should not be a waiting period for turning over roads. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to approve <br />the policy with the following amendment: county <br />highways should be targeted for turnover to the cities <br />with populations over 5,000, two years following the time <br />as the majority of land on both sides of the highway is <br />annexed. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to approve <br />the policy for cities with populations of less than 5,000 as <br />presented. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />