3. Ord #2004-2 & 3/1st reading
County Commission
Regular agenda
3. Ord #2004-2 & 3/1st reading
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12/7/2004 2:15:05 PM
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7/26/2004 4:22:01 PM
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<br />c. <br /> <br />provisions of this section, or when the permittee voluntarily <br />ceases business, no portion of the permit fee previously paid <br />shall be returned to the permittee or to anyone claiming under <br />or through him. <br />No permit issued under the provisions of this article shall be <br />suspended or revoked for cause by the commission without a <br />public hearing. In the event that the commission intends to <br />consider the suspension or revocation of any permit for cause, <br />it shall direct the county auditor to notify the permittee of its <br />intention to consider the same. The notice shall specify the <br />time and place of the suspension or revocation hearing and <br />shall be served upon the permittee or his managing agent in <br />the same manner as provided by law for the service of a <br />summons in a civil action. No suspension or revocation <br />hearing shall be held before the expiration of 15 days after the <br />date of the service of the notice upon the permittee. <br />If, upon such hearing, it appears to the commission that <br />sufficient cause exists for the suspension or revocation of a <br />permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this article, the <br />commission shall make its order suspending or revoking the <br />said permit. <br /> <br />Section 6. Unlawful practices.-In addition to such other prohibitions as <br />are contained in <br />this article: <br />A. No person shall perform body art on any body part of a person under the age <br />of 18 <br />without the written consent of the parent or legal guardian of such minor and <br />without <br />said parent or legal guardian being present during such procedure. <br />B. No person shall obtain or attempt to obtain any body art establishment permit <br />by <br />means of fraud, misrepresentation or concealment. <br />C. No person shall perform body art procedures unless such procedures are <br />performed in a body art establishment with a current permit. <br />D. No person shall perform body art procedures unless they are at least 18 <br />years of age. <br />E. No person shall interfere with a health department officer in the performance <br />of an inspection or in the performance of any other of his duties. <br />F. Willful failure by the permittee to post regulations which are required to be <br />posted pursuant to this article shall be unlawful. <br />G. No person shall engage in the practice of doing body art while such individual <br />is under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other stimulants or depressants. <br />
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