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Road Advisory Meeting <br />November 12, 2003 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />planning purposes, it would be reasonable to assume we should overlay each asphalt pavement <br />about once every 15 years. If we average 24 miles of overlays each year tbr the next 5 years, we <br />will be nearly on track with overlaying each road every 15 years. This will require about <br />53.000,000 per year. <br /> <br />On the enclosed instructions sheet, we've illustrated anticipated revenues and expenditures tbr <br />the next 5 years. If we continue to give priority to preserving the existing pavements prior to <br />completing other types of projects, we should be able to do an adequate job of maintaining most <br />of our existing pavements. However, very limited (about $400,000/year) funding will be <br />available tbr other types of projects. With this in mind, one can conclude that very few projects <br />other than asphalt overlays will be affordable without additional revenue sources. <br /> <br />Committee members may also want to be aware of the 1993 Commission Policy 9.30. The <br />policy specifies, among other things, that gravel surfaced roads will only be considered for <br />County funded paving only if the current or projected traffic volume exceeds 400 vehicles per <br />dav. <br /> <br />kb/kb <br />Enclosure <br /> <br />J: Admm-Eng Commission (mTSp 2003 Colrmuss~on Cot'respondence Road Advisory memo for I I 17 03 Meetmg.doc <br /> <br /> <br />