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<br />May 6, 2004 <br /> <br />~~~~~ <br />~' .\ \. ."".-\';;}\, <br />\ '\\ .' " '. \ <br />\....i~ -.< ~" \ <br />~\\~~~ ,.\ <br />....-'\. ~,;")..,..,,,,.... "'.' , '., \ '\ <br />~\,.....\.... ""'''\,.,' <br />~ \\.' l<-"~""; .~ f\1\.S~ )..J' <br />" \,.... - \.". ll" ........\ <br />\1, i' . ." .\ ..J ,.r"",..>~ '..~) <br />\" . ,'\1 ~ ".,..,~ ".>~ .. <br />'\" 1)..'\'~\~ ~."'\ "v-- ,9 <br />\V{\ \j\~~~~ ...-.>:;:~~.~( \~ ;~""fI# <br />\ ,\\ .-\ . ,.,)",; <br /> <br />~;~~~.,~S(::::! ::~........ <br /> <br />'0\".)- ..,.~; <br />",'" <br />..... <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Frank Klein, Ta'C Director - Cass County <br />PO Box 2806 <br />Fargo ND 58108 <br /> <br />RE: B & H Investments, LLP - Stanley Township Tax Appeal <br />Parcel #'s 64-480-00010-000, 64-480-00020-000, 64-480-O0030~000 <br /> <br />Mr. Klein: <br /> <br />Enclosed is a copy of a letter requesting appeal on the above mentioned parcels for the 2004 taxes. I also <br />appeal to Cass County at this time on the 2004 taxes. <br /> <br />Also enclosed are copies from the Cass County Treasurers web site of all the properties in the Austin Sub- <br />division for comparison and valuation of the above mentioned parcels. We would like to have these used <br />to arrive at a fair and accurate valuation of the property to insure that everyone shares equitably in the total <br />burden of property ta.'Cation. We have examples of comparable properties that are assessed at a much lower <br />and reasonable value than B & H's property. <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />I have enclosed a copy of the Austin Subdivision, yellow indicating B & H property, pink and green <br />indicating the rest of the subdivision. The entire subdivision excluding B & H's property are assessed at an <br />average of $.0288/square foot. The yellow, B & H's property, have been assessed at an average of <br />$.0598/square foot, 207% above the rest of the entire subdivision. Far from a fair valuation ofB & H's <br />properties. <br /> <br />Example #1 - Parcel #64-1797-00010-000 - Statement #030149788 Property address 6109-SW 53rd <br />Avenue known as Jobbers Moving & Storage (3/4 mile west ofB & H Property) <br /> <br />Example #2 - Parcel #64-0190-00130-000 - Statement #030141926 Property address 5621 -SW 53ro <br />Avenue known as Ag-Resources <br /> <br />Both of the above properties are larger in size and the buildings on the properties are larger in size than the <br />properties ofB & H Investments on Parcel 64-480-00020-000. <br /> <br />I have also included the notice of increase ofreal estate assessments from Stanley Township for the 2003 <br />tax year. As you can note on parcel 64-480-00030-000 the notice indicates $15,000 full & true value. The <br />2003 tax statement on this property was ta.'Ced at $25,000. We did not have a problem accepting the amount <br />of$15,000 as indicated on the tax notice for that property which would be comparative to parcel #64-0190- <br />00030-000 statement #030149206 which is also a larger property but valued at $15,000. <br /> <br />I believe that there is a personality conflict between the assessor, Deena Hopson, and myself: Phil Buhr of B <br />& H Investments. Any personality conflict that may have arose in the past is not justification for the <br />assessors discrimination against myself and B & H Investments in the property taxation process by not <br />assessing our properties at a fair and accurate value to ensure that we all share equitably in the total burden <br />of property taxation. <br /> <br />We have also enclosed the copies of the 2003 statement of taxes. We have paid the 15t half of the taxes on <br />the statements and believe that with the above comparison examples that these amounts paid already should <br />more than constitute fair valuation of payments in full in this abatement and appeal process. <br /> <br />;~L.IL~ ~ <br /> <br />B & H Investments, LLP <br />