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<br />Commission Minutes--June 21,2004 <br /> <br />2744 <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wagner moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to release historic materials <br />from the former jail and sheriff's residence as specified for the Broadway <br />Square project, if the Vargas Greenan design is selected in competition. <br />Discussion: Mr. Meyer asked if there is sufficient materials the county <br />could incorporate into a west wing, if one is to be constructed; and Mr. <br />Berndt concurred with Mrs. Johnson there is a large quantity of <br />sandstone and other material stored at the highway department. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Mr. Montplaisir said he and Mr. Wagner will be attending a strategic planning seminar with <br />the North Dakota Association of Counties in Bismarck at the end of this week. Mr. <br />Montplaisir will be in Houston next week as part of the efforts to implement HA V A (Help <br />Americans Vote Act). <br /> <br />Commissioners were in agreement for Mrs. Sorum to proceed with plans for a Cass County <br />Government Mentoring Program for high school juniors and seniors who are interested in <br />learning more about county government. She and Charlotte Sandvik are working out some <br />of the details and will be asking county commissioners to help with the program. She is <br />also seeking input from the county department heads. <br /> <br />Mrs. Sorum asked for a consensus from the board on a Ward County billing, which was <br />discussed at a recent Social Service Board meeting, for housing a juvenile from Cass <br />County in their detention facility. The bill is for the time period of November 5-12, 2003, and <br />Ward County indicates they notified all counties a few years ago that they will be charging a <br />daily rate because they do not staff their detention center at all times. In previous <br />conversations, an informal agreement was reached to settle the bill at a lesser amount. <br />Cass County's Social Service Board was in agreement that payment be made upon <br />negotiations with Ward County by Mrs. Hogan and Mrs. Sorum. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Meyer moved and Mr. Bennett seconded to approve payment of a <br />negotiated rate to the Ward County Juvenile Detention Center to resolve <br />an unpaid bill from November, 2003. On roll call vote, the motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />18. CORRESPONDENCE, Received and filed <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to receive and file <br />correspondence outlined by the secretary as follows: Motion carried. <br /> <br />letter from Rob Lynch dated June 11, 2004, resigning from the Cass County Vector <br />Control Board; <br />notice of special achievement award in GIS (Geographical Information System), to be <br />presented at the annual conference of the Environmental Systems Research Institute to <br />Kay Blakeway, Cass County GIS Coordinator; <br />information from North Dakota Department of Transportation on 2004-2006 Federal Aid <br />Program. <br />