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Commission Minutes—November 17, 2014 4389 <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Peterson seconded to revise Ordinance #2014- <br /> 1 Authorize the Sheriff to Police Public Events through deletion of the <br /> definition of public event; deletion of the paragraph on general provisions; <br /> inclusion of state law language with additional definitions for car race, car <br /> show, and rodeo; and bring back the revised ordinance for a third reading <br /> on December 1, 2014. Discussion: The sheriff did not have any concerns <br /> with the recommended revisions to the ordinance. On roll call vote, the <br /> motion carried unanimously. <br /> 8. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, Budget adiustment approved to promote field deputy to <br /> corporal for patrol division <br /> Sheriff Laney said in order to provide proper supervision on the evening and night shifts within <br /> the patrol division, he is requesting that a current B32 Field Deputy within patrol be promoted <br /> to a C41 Corporal. The cost difference is around $2,000, and funds would be available within <br /> their 2015 budget. He is not asking for an additional employee at this time, but most likely <br /> will be during the next budget cycle. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Bennett seconded to approve a budget <br /> adjustment request for approximately $2,000 annually for the difference in <br /> salary between a B32 Field Deputy and C41 Corporal position to be <br /> assigned to the patrol division effective January 1, 2015. On roll call vote, <br /> the motion carried unanimously. <br /> 9. ROAD DEPARTMENT, Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) grant applications <br /> approved <br /> Jason Benson, County Engineer, discussed two grant applications for the 2015 <br /> Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), which is administered by the North Dakota <br /> Department of Transportation (NDDOT). <br /> The first project is for a multi-use path on the east side of County Highway 28 adjacent to land <br /> owned by the Red River Valley Fair Association. Cass County maintains the highway from <br /> Main Avenue to 13th Avenue at Drain 21/West Fargo city limits, and serves as the primary <br /> access to the fairgrounds, parking lot and campground. The path will provide a safer roadway <br /> for bike and pedestrian traffic. This project was submitted last year for consideration, but was <br /> not approved by NDDOT. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mrs. Scherling moved and Mr. Bennett seconded to approve the <br /> Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)application for a multi-use path <br /> on Cass County Highway 28 from Main Avenue to 13th Avenue. On roll call <br /> vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Benson said the second project is for a recreational trail for the Hunter/Arthur Joint Park <br /> Board JPA. The project named "Northern Cass Pass" has already been approved for funding <br /> through the North Dakota Recreational Trails Program and North Dakota Outdoor Heritage <br /> Fund and is being developed and funded in phases. If TPA funding is received, the first <br /> section of the trail through Arthur would be paved. The county must serve as the official <br /> sponsor since the project is located in the rural area, and would only be responsible to process <br /> any funding through NDDOT and project oversight. <br />