Amended item
County Commission
Amended item
Amended item
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6/1/2009 8:56:41 AM
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6/1/2009 8:56:09 AM
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Agreement for Use <br />This Agreement is entered into this 27~' day of May, 2009, between the United States Department of <br />Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the State of North <br />Dakota Cass County Courthouse (Lessor). <br />FEMA desires to use and Lessor agrees to donate, at no cost, use of premises located at: <br />Cass County Courthouse Annex 1010 2°d Ave S Faro ND 58102 ("the Facility"). <br />FEMA will use the Facility primarily as a temporary work station for FEMA and other federal, state <br />and voluntary agency personnel and contractors providing disaster recovery assistance in response to <br />Presidential Declaration FEMA-1829-DR-ND. <br />This Agreement is in effect from the date of signing for a maximum of 11 days, extending the <br />operational period of the agreement from May 13, 2009 thru June 6, 2009; or until such time as <br />FEMA closes the facility if that occurs sooner. FEMA will give Lessor as much notice of any <br />decision to close as possible but no less than two (2) days. This Agreement maybe extended for <br />successive increments on written mutual agreement. <br />The following conditions apply: <br />I. Facility Maintenance <br />Lessor will maintain all aspects of the structures and grounds of the Facility and assure that it <br />is and remains an adequate workplace. FEMA agrees to keep the Facility clean and agrees <br />not to cause damage to the premises or Facility, normal wear and tear excepted. <br />II. Access Control and Security Services <br />a. Lessor will provide FEMA with all necessary keys and will assist FEMA to limit <br />access only to other parties as mutually agreed upon. FEMA will have access to the Facility <br />at all times, with core hours from 0830hrs until 1930hrs Monday through Sunday. <br />b. FEMA will contract for security services at its own cost for Facility operations. <br />III. Utilities <br />~ Lessor will pay for lights, water and sanitation services. Any supplemental upgrades <br />agreed upon by the parties will be paid for by FEMA and become the Lessor's. <br />~ IV. Telecommunications• Teleuhone Fax Networking, and Internet Service <br />FEMA will be responsible for the cost of telecommunications used for its operations and will <br />be responsible for all costs for agreed upon upgrades. <br />
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