2b. Courthouse west addition
County Commission
Regular agenda
2b. Courthouse west addition
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6/1/2009 11:44:36 AM
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5/27/2009 7:27:50 AM
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Building Committee-May 13, 2009 2 <br />Mr. Wagner discussed forwarding a recommendation to the commission and asked <br />whether the committee has met the responsibility assigned to them regarding a <br />schematic design for a west addition. Mr. Montplaisir said the commission needs to <br />look at two projects-a west addition and joint public safety building-and discuss <br />funding mechanisms to determine the next step in the process. Mrs. Johnson believes <br />the committee has met their obligation to provide the commission with options for their <br />consideration. Mr. Wagner suggested a letter be drafted to the county commission with <br />the committee's recommendation. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Johnson moved and Mr. Montplaisir seconded to recommend <br />the county commission consider a Courthouse west addition to <br />meet county needs through the year 2020 and forward three options <br />for the county commission to review. Discussion: Judge Herman <br />said Option A meets the needs of the county and asked if the <br />committee wants to include that with their recommendation to the <br />commission. Mr. Wagner said the letter to the board could include a <br />statement that the committee preference is Option A, but due to <br />cost considerations, is providing two other options. Mrs. Johnson <br />said Option A fulfills the county needs. Mr. Wagner thanked <br />everyone on the committee for their work during this process. On <br />roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />5. JOINT PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING PROJECT, Soil borings report <br />Mrs. Johnson said the soil borings report has been received for the joint public safety <br />building project. Based on the testing, no issues were found and conditions are <br />amenable for underground parking and a building with one or two floors. She said <br />preliminary cost estimates and building options are being drafted by the architect, who <br />anticipates the data will be ready for consideration at the next building committee <br />meeting. <br />6. COURT REIMBURSEMENT, Update on reimbursement for planning services <br />Judge Herman spoke with the Office of the State Supreme Court this week. According <br />to their office, a check in the amount of $25,000 should be received within the next few <br />days for reimbursement of consulting fees. <br />7. NEXT MEETING <br />The next meeting will be held Thursday, June 11, 2009, at 4:00 PM. <br />8. ADJOURNMENT <br />MOTION, passed <br />On motion by Mr. Montplaisir, seconded by Judge Herman, and all <br />voting in favor, the meeting was adjourned at about 5:00 PM. <br />Minutes prepared by Heather Worden, Administrative Assistant <br />
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