2b. Courthouse west addition
County Commission
Regular agenda
2b. Courthouse west addition
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6/1/2009 11:44:36 AM
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5/27/2009 7:27:50 AM
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Building Committee-May 13, 2009 <br />CASS COUNTY BUILDING COMMITTEE <br />MAY 13, 2009-4:05 PM <br />1. MEETING TO ORDER <br />Committee Chairman Scott Wagner called the Cass County Building Committee <br />meeting to order on Wednesday, May 13, 2009, at 4:05 PM with the following members <br />present: County Administrator Bonnie Johnson; County Auditor Michael Montplaisir; <br />East Central Judicial District Judge Doug Herman; and County Commissioner Scott <br />Wagner. County Commissioner Darrell Vanyo was absent. <br />2. MINUTES APPROVED <br />MOTION, passed <br />Judge Herman moved and Mrs. Johnson seconded that the minutes <br />of the previous meeting be approved as written. Motion carried. <br />3. COUNTY RECORDER, Storage for books <br />Mrs. Johnson said, in the past, county recorder books were stored in the basement on <br />the north end of the Courthouse. As a result of the flood threat in March, the books <br />were moved to the storage room on the Courthouse second floor. She received a <br />request from the county recorder to keep the books on the second floor and felt the <br />committee should consider the request. <br />Jewel Spies, County Recorder, was present. She said access to the books is much <br />simpler at the location on second floor. When they were stored in the basement, their <br />office would have to call court security for permission to use the elevator because court <br />inmate holding is located in the basement. Mrs. Johnson said if the books were to <br />remain on second floor, the shelving from the basement storage room could be <br />disassembled and installed upstairs, so no additional costs would be incurred. <br />The committee took a tour of the storage area on second floor and returned to the <br />meeting. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Montplaisir moved and Judge Herman seconded to permanently <br />locate the county recorder books on the second floor of the <br />Courthouse. Motion carried. <br />Mrs. Johnson said the extra pieces of modular office furniture currently stored on <br />second floor will be moved to the basement to make room for the shelves. She said the <br />maintenance staff will be assigned to this project. <br />4. FOSS ARCHITECTURE, Update on cost estimates <br />Mrs. Johnson will be meeting with Rick Hoganson on May 21St to finalize cost estimates <br />for a west addition. She said Consultant Dennis Kimme will present his final report and <br />provide cost estimates at the June 1St commission meeting. Mr. Wagner stressed the <br />importance of having the necessary data available for the budget hearings and asked <br />Mrs. Johnson to forward the cost estimates to committee members before the June 1St <br />commission meeting for their review. <br />
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