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Commission Minutes-April 20, 2009 3507 <br />8. VETERAN'S SERVICE OFFICER, Acting director appointed <br />Mr. Bennett said Jim Brent retired as Veteran's Service Officer on April 9th. Currently, the <br />commission is reviewing applications and will hold interviews in the next month. He <br />recommends an acting director be appointed during this transitional period to oversee the <br />daily duties of the office. Chanelle Lende and Mike Vandrovec currently serve as <br />representatives for the office and both are outstanding in their positions. Ms. Lende applied <br />for the Veteran's Service Officer position while Mr. Vandrovec did not. Mr. Bennett's <br />philosophy is to appoint someone who did not apply; therefore, he recommends Mike <br />Vandrovec serve as acting director. Also, he recommends Mr. Vandrovec be eligible for <br />acting pay, according the Personnel Policy 7.20, which allows an employee temporarily <br />assigned to a classification with a higher pay range for more than four consecutive normal <br />work weeks to be compensated. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to appoint Mike Vandrovec <br />as acting director of the Veteran's Service Office effective April 10, 2009; <br />and approve acting pay for Mike Vandrovec, according to Cass County <br />Personnel Policy 7.20. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />9. FLOOD UPDATE <br />Highway Department <br />Keith Berndt, County Engineer, briefly updated the board on breakout flooding from the <br />Sheyenne River in the Kindred and Davenport areas. Also, he said flooding continues in <br />areas north of Harwood. <br />Mr. Berndt is working with the Army Corps of Engineers on a clean-up contract. Once a <br />contract is approved, he anticipates the Corps will be able to remove clay levees on roads <br />and sandbag dikes on properties. Residents may either take the sandbags to their curb for <br />removal or may sign a waiver to allow the Corps to take down dikes on their individual <br />properties. He plans to hold informational meetings about the process. <br />Mr. Berndt is working with FEMA on available funds to repair damaged infrastructure <br />through the public assistance program. <br />Emergency Management <br />Mr. Rogness said community meetings will be held during the flood buyout process to keep <br />residents informed. He said FEMA completed their survey this past weekend for the public <br />assistance program and found 30 counties across the state qualify for public assistance. <br />Mr. Rogness said the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is no longer open. Phone calls <br />to the public number are rolled over to the Tactical Operations Center (TOC) in West Fargo. <br />Sheriff's Department <br />Sheriff Paul D. Laney provided photos of flooding in the Kindred and Davenport areas. His <br />department continues to conduct welfare checks of homes still affected by flooding. The <br />area north of Harwood continues to be monitored. <br />The sheriff anticipates the TOC will remain open through April 30th but may move this week <br />from their location at the West Fargo Police Department back to the Cass County Jail. <br />
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