County Commission
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4/14/2009 4:47:28 PM
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3/23/2009 12:03:57 PM
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Commission Minutes-March 19, 2009 3488 <br />Mr. Pawluk asked if FEMA will reimburse the county for fees associated with temporary <br />easement. Mr. Berndt said FEMA will reimburse the county for easement fees. The Corps <br />of Engineers will cover the cost to construct the levees. <br />Mr. Pawluk feels $100 per acre is not enough to compensate the land owners and <br />recommends paying $200 per acre. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Pawluk moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to approve Resolution <br />#2009-6 and Resolution #2009-7, Declaring Necessity to Take Land, and <br />pay land owners $200 per acre through temporary easements to use the <br />land for a period of one year. Discussion: Mr. Wagner asked about the <br />one-year time frame and the cost recommended by Mr. Pawluk. Mr. <br />Pawluk said the going rate for land is $175 per acre and an additional $25 <br />per acre is minimal for the inconvenience. Mr. Pawluk said one year will <br />allow protection for this flood event and allow negotiations to continue <br />with property owners. Mr. Wagner wanted to ensure the intent is to <br />continue working with landowners and Mr. Pawluk agreed the county <br />ought to continue with negotiations. Mrs. Sorum also hopes the county <br />continues to work with land owners to reach an agreement. Mr. Burdick <br />will make sure the resolution language clarifies the amount of <br />compensation and that the easement is for one year. On roll call vote, <br />the motion carried unanimously. <br />3. FLOOD UPDATE <br />Mr. Berndt said earlier this month the commission authorized use of the emergency fund for <br />flood expenses. He said with the new flood crest prediction, the county will need to order <br />additional sandbags and asked for direction from the board on how to proceed. The cost is <br />15 cents per bag or $150,000 for 1 million sandbags. The Highway Department will begin <br />distribution of the sandbags tomorrow. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wagner moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to allow the county <br />engineer to order up to 3 million sandbags. On roll call vote, the <br />motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Berndt reminded commissioners and other departments of the county website, which <br />has been updated to include pertinent flood information. Public meetings will be held on <br />Monday, March 23~d at Discovery School for residents of Stanley Township; Monday, March <br />23~d at Harwood Community Center for residents of Reed Township; and Tuesday, March <br />24th at Hickson Community Center for residents of Pleasant Township. <br />Mr. Pawluk asked if the Highway Department has sand available for residents who may <br />only need to fill a few sandbags. Mr. Berndt said their department could provide small <br />amounts of sand, but if someone needs more than one yard, they would need to purchase <br />the sand. <br />Sheriff Paul D. Laney said preparations are well underway and all licensed staff is ready to <br />divide into four emergency response teams to provide 24-hour coverage. The mission of <br />the teams is to support the County Engineer and Emergency Manager. Some of the duties <br />their department will provide are traffic control; levee patrol; flood wall security; and inmate <br />sandbag teams. <br />
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