County Commission
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Commission Minutes-March 19, 2009 3487 <br />SPECIAL MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />MARCH 19, 2009 <br />1. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER <br />A special meeting of the Cass County Board of Commissioners was called to order by <br />Chairwoman Robyn Sorum at 7:05 PM in the Commission Room, Cass County Courthouse, <br />to discuss flood preparations in the county. Four members were present as follows: Scott <br />Wagner, Ken Pawluk, Robyn Sorum, and Darrell Vanyo via conference call. Vern Bennett <br />was absent. <br />The following county staff was present: Keith Berndt, County Engineer; Dave Rogness, <br />Emergency Manager; Michael Montplaisir, County Auditor; Birch Burdick, State's Attorney; <br />Paul D. Laney, County Sheriff; Frank Klein, County Tax Director; and Terry Schmaltz, <br />Information Technology Director. Members of the local media were also present. <br />2. RESOLUTION #2009-6 AND RESOLUTION #2009-7, Declaring Necessity to Take Land <br />for construction of emeraency dikes <br />Mr. Rogness said the National Weather Service (NWS) is watching a system anticipated to <br />bring precipitation Sunday through Tuesday. The jet stream is identical to the system two <br />weeks ago which resulted in a blizzard. The Red River is at 16'/2 feet and is expected to <br />rise slowly to 33.2 feet by next Thursday. The NWS crest is predicting a crest of 37 to 40 <br />feet between March 28th and April 1St. <br />Mr. Berndt said due to updated flood predictions, he recommends emergency levees be <br />constructed immediately in the Chrisan, Maple Prairie and Round Hill Subdivisions. The <br />county will need access to three privately-owned parcels to construct the dikes. Two of the <br />property owners are aware of the situation but are reluctant to give their permission. Neither <br />individual is present but understands the action the county most likely will take tonight. <br />Mr. Berndt recommends a temporary easement for five years on a 4.04 acre tract in Stanley <br />Township. This property will be protected by the Fargo Southside Flood Control project and <br />he suggests the temporary dike remain in place. The cost of the easement is $100 per acre <br />for one year. <br />Mr. Berndt recommends the county take a 100 foot strip (2.26 acres) in Stanley Township. <br />This property will not be protected by the Fargo Southside Flood Control project and he <br />recommends the levee be left as a permanent dike. The appraised value of the land is <br />$17,500 per acre. He said about 25 homes would be affected if the dike is not built. <br />Mr. Burdick referred to NDCC 32-15 regarding imminent domain which outlines three <br />estates in which property may be taken: 1) fee simple, which is essentially ownership of the <br />land and permanent in nature; 2) easement, which is for a temporary period of time; or 3) <br />right of entry upon a property for public use. <br />Mrs. Sorum is more comfortable with easements on both properties. Mr. Pawluk is reluctant <br />to take property permanently on such short notice. Mr. Wagner supports a permanent <br />taking of the one parcel, but asked if a temporary easement is done whether the county may <br />permanently take the property at a later date. Mr. Berndt said if temporary easements are <br />approved by the commission, he suggests they be for one year to allow the county an <br />opportunity to negotiate with the property owners. <br />
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