1a. Social Services-use of Annex space
County Commission
Regular agenda
1a. Social Services-use of Annex space
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Last modified
1/27/2009 2:29:13 PM
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1/27/2009 2:27:04 PM
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<br />Building Committee-January 21,2009 2 <br /> <br />Mr. Kimme estimates by 2030, about 90% more component gross square footage would <br />be needed for Courthouse and Annex functions than is currently available. The <br />consultant studied whether the current site could accommodate 2030 needs through two <br />tests: one which focused on a mixed government-justice expansion, and one which <br />focused on a justice-oriented expansion. After the tests, he concluded 2030 needs would <br />be difficult to meet for all of the functions presently housed at the Courthouse and Annex <br />campuses. <br /> <br />Mr. Kimme outlined different options to meet the long-term needs. He noted all projected <br />master plan space needs and all site option possibilities were based on projections which <br />assume certain rates of growth and certain site limitations. If any of the factors change, <br />long-term master plan options may change as well. <br /> <br />Mr. Kimme discussed the Annex building site and said the recommendation is to allow <br />Social Services to expand until eventually it becomes a Social Services building. The <br />Annex, however, does not provide enough room for the department's projected long-term <br />growth. Future satellite facilities have been discussed to help alleviate the space <br />problem. <br /> <br />Mr. Kimme said two long-term options to consider are either to build an addition as <br />planned, move the Sheriff's Office, with no separate justice facility; or to build an addition, <br />move the Sheriff's Office, and build a new justice facility off-site. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner said immediate issues such as mechanical and electrical concerns, as well <br />as inmate holding and sally port parking need to be addressed. He suggested more firm <br />plans be discussed at the next meeting on how to proceed. Mr. Vanyo said a range of <br />cost estimates is needed in order for the committee to move forward with the next step in <br />this process. Mr. Wagner told Mr. Hoganson that costs for a phased approach to an <br />addition would be helpful. <br /> <br />Mr. Kimme anticipates the final report will be finished within the next week for committee <br />members to review. He is available the week of February 16th to attend the next building <br />committee meeting and discuss the final report. Committee members agreed the next <br />meeting will be a working session with Mr. Kimme. <br /> <br />4. PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING PROJECT, Discussion <br />Mrs. Johnson said in order to proceed on a proposed joint public safety building <br />assistance from a professional consultant is needed. The State Highway Patrol and City <br />of Fargo Police Department have both expressed interest. Sheriff Paul D. Laney was <br />present and said the Red River Regional Dispatch Center also may be interested. <br /> <br />Mrs. Johnson said the City of Fargo hired a consultant to look at a new police building. <br />She suggested using the same consultant and review space needs of each entity to help <br />determine what size of building may be considered. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo believes a joint public safety building should be part of the planning process <br />for a new addition. Mr. Wagner said planning for both projects may move in tandem with <br />each other. <br />
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