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County Commission
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12/1/2008 1:59:22 PM
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12/1/2008 9:31:31 AM
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<br />Page Two <br /> <br />C. RRCAC will reimburse the Interviewer for expenditures made that are directly related to <br />the provision of service under this Agreement, consistent with the reimbursement policy <br />adopted by RRCAC. This reimbursement policy shall be disclosed to CCSS and the <br />Interviewer prior to January 1, 2009. <br />D. CCSS shall not provide reimbursement for any business expenditures incurred while <br />performing CAC activity. CCSS shall provide reimbursement to staff for any business <br />expenditures incurred while performing CCSS activity. <br />E. CCSS agrees to accept the rate of payment as payment in full for interviews conducted by <br />the Interviewer under this Agreement, and shall not make demands on individual <br />recipients of service, their family or guardian, for any additional compensation for these <br />same servIces. <br /> <br />IV. TERM OF FUNDING: <br />CCSS and RRCAC anticipate that this Agreement is a one-time Agreement, and acknowledge <br />that no assurances have been made by either party that this Agreement may be extended <br />for periods beyond its termination date. <br /> <br />V. SITE LOCATION: <br />A. The RRCAC and CCSS agree that the Interviewer providing the services anticipated <br />under this Agreement will be stationed at the RRCAC. <br />B. RRCAC will provide the Interviewer with a dedicated and identified work station. <br />C. RRCAC will provide a computer, desk, chair, filing cabinet and phone. <br />D. RRCAC will provide sufficient office supplies, taping equipment, internet access and <br />phone service. <br /> <br />VI. EMPLOYMENT ISSUES: <br />A. The Interviewer providing services anticipated under this Agreement will be a full time <br />employee of CCSS. <br />B. Salary and benefits to the Interviewer providing services anticipated by this Agreement <br />will be determined by and provided by CCSS. <br />C. CCSS will be solely responsible for providing supervision and management of the <br />Interviewer. <br />D. RRCAC will advise CCSS of any concerns regarding the performance of the Interviewer, <br />and will assist in corrective action, if needed. <br />E. The Personnel Policies in effect at CCSS will govern the employment relationship <br />between CCSS and the Interviewer. <br /> <br />VII. RETENTION OF RECORDS: <br />All records, documents, evidence and other materials created as a result of the services rendered <br />by the Interviewer for RRCAC as anticipated under this Agreement on "Out of County Cases" <br />will be stored and maintained by RRCAC. RRCAC agrees that RRCAC will be responsible for <br />protecting confidentiality of those records and for disposing of the records in a confidential <br />manner when they are no longer needed.w <br />VIII. CONFIDENTIALITY <br />
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