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County Commission
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12/1/2008 1:59:22 PM
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12/1/2008 9:31:31 AM
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<br />PREAMBLE <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Cass County Social Services ("CCSS"), 1010 - 2nd Avenue South, Fargo, North <br />Dakota, 58103, and Red River Children's Advocacy Center ("RRCAC"), 100 South 4th Street <br />#410, Fargo, North Dakota, 58103, are dedicated to the protection of children and the effective <br />use of resources; and <br />WHEREAS, CCSS and RRCAC both have needs for forensic interviewing of children by highly <br />trained individuals; and <br />WHEREAS, these two agencies believe that a shared full time staff member ("Interviewer") <br />could provide stable services, and each agency could support and benefit from shared services; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, these two agencies have negotiated and intend to create a full time position to <br />perform forensic interviewing which will be staffed by an employee of CCSS, housed at the <br />RRCAC, with costs shared by the agencies; and <br />WHEREAS, the intended time ratio of the Interviewer is 40% for RRCAC for cases arising <br />outside of the jurisdiction of Cass County Social Services ("Out of County Cases") and 60% for <br />cases within the jurisdiction of Cass County Social Services ("County Cases"); and <br />WHEREAS, this project will be structured as a purchase of a "Scope of Services" by RRCAC <br />from CCSS; <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, CCSS and RRCAC enter into the following: <br /> <br />AGREEMENT <br /> <br />I. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT: <br />The term of this Agreement shall be from the 1st day of January, 2009, through the December <br />31,2009. <br /> <br />II. SCOPE OF SERVICE: <br />CCSS shall designate an employee to fill the position of "Interviewer" as anticipated under this <br />Agreement. CCSS agrees to provide an experienced Child Welfare Certified staff that has <br />advanced training in Forensic Interviewing to fill the position of "Interviewer." CCSS and <br />RRCAC agree that the Interviewer will provide an average of fourteen (14) hours per week of <br />service to RRCAC. This Service will be in areas of 1) forensic interviewing on "Out of County <br />Cases" involving children and youth at RRCAC facilities; 2) participate in pre- and post- primary <br />assessment multi-disciplinary case review meetings on those cases; and 3) complete necessary <br />reports and documentation on those cases. CCSS and RRCAC agree that the "Interviewer" will <br />provide an average of an additional 2 hours per week to assist in maintaining statistical <br />information for the RRCAC. CCSS and RRCAC agree that the specific services to be provided <br />to clients and the definition of services is managed by the RRCAC, and the cases assigned to the <br />Interviewer by RRCAC under the provision of services anticipated under this Agreement shall be <br />determined by RRCAC. <br /> <br />III. COMPENSA nON: <br />A. For services provided under the terms of this Agreement the RRCAC shall compensate <br />CCSS $2,083 per month for January 2009 through November 2009, and $2,087 for <br />December,2009. <br />B. CCSS shall submit a complete billing for each month to the RRCAC within 5 working <br />days of the end of the month, and payment will be due upon receipt. <br />
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