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<br />Commission Minutes-August 11, 2008 3405 <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo asked for case numbers to help justify a new position. He asked if the position is <br />not approved, what will happen to the office. Mr. Brent said he will continue to make sure the <br />mission of the department is accomplished, but an additional employee would help to <br />alleviate the stress and work load. <br /> <br />Mr. Bennett said case loads have increased and he supports the additional employee and <br />feels the employee is necessary for their department. <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk said Mr. Brent exemplifies what a veteran service officer should be; however, he <br />listed five or six other organizations that provide the same service to veterans as the <br />Veterans Service Office. He suggested a better use of Mr. Brent's time may be to work with <br />these other organizations to help veterans receive the services they may need. The 2009 <br />budget request increased by 33% from last year and he has a difficult time supporting such <br />an increase. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner said over the last seven years, the commission has doubled the staff in this <br />office and has recognized the space issues of their department. He believes the county has <br />been generous to the Veterans Service Office over the last few years. <br /> <br />Mrs. Sorum said the county has been good stewards of the taxpayer dollar and feels the <br />county owes it to the veterans to support the new position. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo does not support a new employee as a priority for 2009. He asked Mr. Brent to <br />include the number of cases their office handles in future information submitted to the <br />commission. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to remove $51,045 for <br />one full-time veteran service representative. On roll call vote, the <br />motion carried with three members voting "Yes" and Mr. Bennett and <br />Mrs. Sorum voting "No". <br /> <br />MOTION, failed <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Mrs. Sorum seconded to approve one half- <br />time position for the Veterans Service Office. Discussion: Mr. <br />Bennett is concerned about the effect on benefits received by <br />veterans if the office does not receive additional help. Mr. Vanyo has <br />received calls from citizens with concerns about other departments <br />but never any complaints about veterans not receiving services <br />through the Cass County Veterans Service Office. Mr. Wagner said <br />staff has doubled in the last seven years and the commission does <br />care about veterans. On roll call vote, the motion failed with Mr. <br />Bennett and Mrs. Sorum voting "Yes" and Mr. Vanyo, Mr. Wagner, <br />and Mr. Pawluk voting "No". <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo asked about $8,449 budgeted for office equipment and whether this may be <br />reduced because the additional employee was removed. Mr. Brent said about $2,000 was <br />for the new employee. <br />