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<br />The local jurisdiction or private agency contracting to provide the service must develop specific <br />Attendant Care operating policies and procedures. These policies and procedures must include: <br /> <br />1. Who can authorize the use of Attendant Care and who can direct the actions of the <br />attendants on behalf ofthe authorized individual; <br />2. Who can authorize the release of juveniles from Attendant Care; <br />3. What role, if any, the attendant will play in attempts to contact parents or other <br />responsible relatives; <br />4. Whether visitation of the juvenile will be allowed in any instance; <br />5. The duty of attendants to report juveniles behavior, condition, and conversations to law <br />enforcement and juvenile court officials, and their responsibilities with respect to <br />notifying the juveniles of this duty, as well as the duty to report suspected child abuse in <br />compliance with state law; <br />6. Requirements to maintain a log of the juvenile's activities and condition during <br />supervision (DJS suggests the use of a log for the protection of the worker and the local <br />jurisdiction or private agency); <br />7. Process by which attendants are contacted for duty (i.e. rotated "on-call" or scheduled); <br />8. Reimbursement procedures and schedule for attendants to receive stipends and expense <br />reimbursement; <br />9. Number of attendants on duty (DJS strongly suggests that attendants be of the same <br />gender as the juveniles supervised, and requires this for the supervision of female <br />juveniles. Therefore, in the event that more than one juvenile is being supervised, <br />multiple attendants may be warranted. The costs of additional attendants will be <br />reimbursed ifthe local authorized official determines that, due to the gender, number, or <br />behavior of the juveniles, additional attendants are necessary. In every instance at least <br />one attendant will be providing face-to-face supervision at all times.) ; <br />10. Length oftime an individual attendant may remain on duty (DJS recommends an eight- <br />hour shift, but also suggests the possibility of a maximum often hours to eliminate the <br />need to bring another attendant on duty if it is expected that the juvenile will be leaving <br />Attendant Care); <br />11. Process for the transfer of supervision responsibility from one attendant to another; <br />12. Responsibility oflaw enforcement to search juveniles prior to supervision by attendants; <br />13. Confiscation and return of personal belongings of the juvenile; <br />14. No-smoking policy (DJS recognizes that cigarette smoking by juveniles is illegal and <br />should be prohibited); <br />15. Methods of responding to juveniles who exhibit unacceptable behavior while in <br />Attendant Care, including any non-contact sanctions which may be used to control <br />unacceptable behavior (The basic training provided to the attendants will include <br />instruction in avoiding confrontation and caution attendants concerning contact, but the <br />local jurisdiction or private agency should maintain specific policies.); <br />16. Steps necessary to contact law enforcement backup and emergency personnel; <br />17. Process by which meals and/or snacks can be obtained for both the juveniles and <br />attendants; <br />18. Use and supervision of the rest room facilities when needed by either juveniles or <br />attendants; <br />19. Posting of required notices and orders concerning protection of juveniles and the <br />evacuation of the site in the event of an emergency; and <br /> <br />July 2008 - Page 6 <br />