2. Attendant Care program
County Commission
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2. Attendant Care program
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<br />DJS will reimburse the direct costs of recruitment such as newspaper and radio advertisement, <br />notices, and materials. The county, Tribe, or private agency shall be responsible for directing the <br />recruitment process, identifying potential attendants, initiating the criminal background check, <br />and supplying the names and addresses of potential attendants approved for training to the <br />training contractor. <br /> <br />F. Status of Attendant Care Workers <br /> <br />Attendant Care workers are to be locally recruited and are to act as "quasi-volunteers" of the <br />local jurisdiction or private agency contracting to provide Attendant Care services. As detailed <br />below, reimbursement of the stipends and expenses for Attendant Care will be made by DJS to <br />the local jurisdiction or private agency, and the local jurisdiction or private agency will be <br />responsible for payments directly to the Attendant Care workers. <br /> <br />Attendant Care locations in some other states have interpreted the status of Attendant Care <br />workers as volunteers and therefore provide no fringe benefits or contributions to social security <br />for the workers. The understanding of DJS, however, is that these workers may well fall under <br />the definition of "employee" with respect to social security, unemployment compensation, and <br />workers compensation. These interpretations however must be made locally by the local <br />jurisdiction or private agency upon the advice of the state's attorney or legal counsel. <br /> <br />The Attendant Care worker is to act as an assistant to law enforcement and juvenile court <br />personnel to allow them to return to regular duties and to provide a safe, non-secure alternative <br />to adult jailor licensed juvenile detention. The presence and actions of Attendant Care workers <br />do not reduce or remove the existing administrative responsibilities of law enforcement or court <br />personnel with respect to the process and protections of the Uniform Juvenile Court Act. <br /> <br />G. Attendant Care Training <br /> <br />DJS has established contracts with private agencies to provide training for Attendant Care <br />workers. The training is provided on a regional basis throughout the state. <br /> <br />The training contractors are required to provide an annual basic training course of at least 16 <br />hours based on an approved curriculum. The training contractors also provide quarterly training <br />updates throughout the state. <br /> <br />The local jurisdiction or private agency contracting to provide attendant care services should <br />supply the training contractor with names and addresses ofthe individuals approved for training. <br />The contractor will provide the local jurisdiction or private agency a list of individuals which <br />have successfully completed the basic training, and who have attended the quarterly updates. <br />Travel costs and stipends for attendant care workers will be reimbursed as discussed below. <br /> <br />The local jurisdiction or private agency will be responsible to ensure that attendant care workers <br />are trained in all local operating policies and procedures, and familiarized with the local <br />Attendant Care site, prior to working with juveniles. <br /> <br />H. Attendant Care Operating Procedures <br /> <br />July 2008 - Page 5 <br />
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