County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes-June 2, 2008 3363 <br /> <br />Jim Gunkelman was present. He owns the company and said numerous studies have <br />shown the chemicals cause no harm to the environment or to people. His company wants <br />to be a good neighbor to the surrounding communities. <br /> <br />Bob Staloch, zoning administrator for Normanna Township, was present. He said the <br />township approved the subdivision and embraces it as economic development for the area. <br />He said the township is willing to work with area residents regarding their concerns. Ms. <br />Hagler welcomes the company into their community but just wants to make sure the <br />chemicals used are safe. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner asked if the flares tested create a noise or smell for area residents. Mr. <br />Gunkelman said the flares do not give off a sound or a smell when lit. Mr. Staloch said <br />when Normanna Township meets to discuss zoning for the site, the township will consider <br />including test restrictions regarding wind speeds and location of testing. Ms. Hagler was <br />invited by Mr. Staloch to be involved in the discussion at the township zoning meeting. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to grant final plat approval <br />for Torgerson Second Subdivision, Section 16, Township 137N, Range <br />50W in Cass County, North Dakota. Motion carried. <br /> <br />9. ROAD DEPARTMENT, Construction proiect recommendations <br />Keith Berndt, County Engineer, was present to discuss road construction projects for 2008. <br />He provided a comparison sheet and map of different options to consider. He said due to <br />the recent volatility in the oil market and inflation in highway construction costs, it is difficult <br />to predict how much more the projects might cost if deferred until 2009. If the county <br />awards the 2008 projects which have been bid, a shortfall of approximately $1.3 million will <br />exist in the road and bridge fund. He recommends the county award all the projects, borrow <br />money from the building fund, and pay the money back from the 2009 road and bridge <br />budget. He said the only risk of awarding the projects today is prices could decrease <br />between now and next year. The risk is small and is offset by having the projects in <br />use sooner. He said the risk of deferring some projects is if inflation continues, it could <br />make projects significantly more expensive next year and there were no offsetting factors for <br />that risk. For example, a 20% increase in the cost of the Cass County 17 project would <br />equate to $900,000, which is about 1/3 of total expected highway project funds available for <br />next year. <br /> <br />Michael Montplaisir, County Auditor, said it is not uncommon to borrow from the building <br />fund and pay it back in a future year; however, the county needs to ensure the money will <br />be paid back from the road and bridge fund. <br /> <br />Mrs. Sorum asked if any 2009 projects will have to be deferred if the county borrows from <br />the building fund this year. Mr. Berndt said the end result would be the same and if he <br />combined the 2008 and 2009 projects, they would not look any different than they do <br />currently. He said the county may have a smaller road construction program in 2009, but if <br />any projects are deferred this year, the projects could be more expensive to construct in <br />2009, meaning fewer projects in 2009. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner discussed the $1.3 million shortfall and borrowing from the building fund. He <br />asked how this will affect the 2009 road maintenance budget. Mr. Berndt said $4.4 million <br />in projected funds are available for 2008 highway projects and approximately $3.3 million <br />
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